Local dealers with close ties to their customers and their communities
- Local dealers engaged with their customer and their communities
- Dealer complexes that don’t lose touch with their customers
- Strategies to strengthen current New Holland dealers
- Looking for entrepreneurs as new dealers
A New Holland dealer in Ohio recently consolidated two stores into one, larger store to better accommodate a growing number of rental customers. Three generations of this family-owned dealership are involved in every aspect of this thriving business.
An entrepreneur with extensive commercial real estate experience returned to his hometown in Idaho to buy out a New Holland dealer who was retiring, bringing with him the best practices he honed in the business world.
After selling a successful oil drum manufacturing company, an entrepreneur in Texas invested in a four-store New Holland dealership, and is working hand-in-hand with the former owner to smoothly transition the business.
These are some examples of the dealer development model being actively pursued by New Holland. The strategy seeks to strengthen existing dealerships through strategic programs and support in succession planning and acquisitions, and to provide opportunities for entrepreneurs.
“We feel that one of the best ways to service our customers is to build a strong local dealer network that’s actively engaged with their customers and their community,” says Abe Hughes, Vice President of New Holland, North America. “New Holland dealerships may be single store locations or dealer complexes with a number of stores, but one thing is certain: they’re not so big that they lose that personal touch with their customers that is so important.
“New Holland manages our business in three market segments: Dairy & Livestock, Cash Crop, and Pro Work Tools,” Hughes continues. “We recognize, for example, that a rural lifestyle customer in Florida has very different needs than a cash crop producer in North Dakota. And to serve these customers, their dealers have different needs as well. We are not promoting a one-size-fits all model for our dealers. We are committed to providing dealers with the programs, tools and assistance they need to partner with their customers for success, and to partner with New Holland.”
To that end, New Holland is establishing a Dealer Standards program that takes these differences into account. Although dealers are required to have appropriate facilities for their market, there is no dictate for a single type of facility.
Hughes notes that the addition of New Holland Construction light construction equipment provides another avenue to improve ag dealer’s revenue potential and improve their ability to more fully address customer needs.
And, in addition to supporting current New Holland dealers, the company is actively seeking new dealers: aggressive entrepreneurs who have solid financial backing, who are committed to the well-being of their community and who are dedicated to providing superior sales and service support to their customers.
“New Holland dealers have long been known as the trusted hay and forage experts in their communities,” says Hughes. “New Holland also offers a full line of world-class products, from tractors to industry-leading combine and harvesting technology that are supported by our dealer network. Our focus isn’t on having the biggest dealers – it’s on having the best.”
NEW HOLLAND, Pa. – August 1, 2014