Achieve the most productive, efficient and accurate planting with the various attachment and enhancement options available for your Early Riser® planter.
Chemical Attachments:
Smartbox compatible tools for chemical application.
- Front and Rear Spreader: For insecticide application. Puts chemical in a narrow band either before and/or after the press wheel.
- Granular Chemical Hopper: Holds 70 lbs. of either herbicide or insecticide, or 35 lbs. or each when used with a conversion divider. Large dials are easy to set and adjsut to your desired rates.
- Smartbox Compatible
Compatible Equipment: 1215 Rigid Mounted planters; 1225 Rigid Trailing planters; 1235 Mounted Stacker planters; 1245 Pivot Transport planters; 1255 Front-Fold Trailing planters; 1265 Front-Fold Trailing planters
Dry Fertilizer Attachments:
Double and single-disk openers and other attachments for proper dry fertilizer placement.
- Bulk Fill Conveyor System: Features a 5' telescoping discharge spout, hydraulic controls at both top and bottom, and laoding speeds up to 376 rpm.
- Double-Disk Dry Fertilizer Opener: Perfect for conventinal- and Mulch-till conditions, the double-disk opener places your exact rate in the right place.
- Dry Fertilizer Hopper: Hold from 600-900 lbs. each, depending on the plater configuration. Planter mounted dry fertilizer is available on 6- and 8-row trailing configurations only.
- Single-Disk Opener with Dry Fertilizer Knife: For no-till fields, opt for the single-disk opener with 17in. rippled coulter. A knife scraper can be added to keep openers clean. Optional guage wheels allow for placement 3 or 4 in. deep.
Compatible Equipment: 1225 Rigid Trailing planters
From bar rock guards, to the right downpressure spring, setup your planter for the most productivity.
- "V-Shaped" Furrowing Wing: Removes the top layer of soil or clods from beds so seed is placed into moist soil. Wings are not recommended for heavy-residue conditions or in rocky or sticky soils.
- 25-Wave Rippled Coulter: Available for soil warming in strip till conditions with heavy residue. An independent depth adjustment lets you control the level of tillage you desire. An 8-wave coulter is also available.
- Bar Rock Guard: Keep rocks from wedging between the drive wheel and guage wheel. Used in combination with a wheel cover, this also prevents rocks and dirt clods from damaging the tire valve stem.
- Combination Residue Manager Coulter: Move residue and achieve maximum soil warming in heavy strip till conditions with the combination residue manager coulter. Availabe on pivot-transport configurations only.
- Downpressure Spring: Attach to the dual closing disks for extra force to cover the seed trench in hard soils.
- Dual-Wheel Residue Manager: Each 13in. steel wheel has 16 fingers to clear stalks and trash out of the way. Adjust working depth shallow enough for minimal soil disruption. Available in both floating and fixed configurations.
- Guard Attachments: To prevent residue-wrap and damage from dirt clods. The drive-wheel chain protects critical components from residue and clods in mulch and no-till fields
- Narrow No-Till Residue Manager: Dual managers power through the toughest residue without creating undersirable soil distribance. High-strength steel arm can be set to float and follow the soil contour or locked down to hold the wheels firmly in place.
- Notched Disk Furrower: For heavier residue conditions in mulch-till and no-till fields, opt for notched 12 in. disks in a staggered position. Adjust depth and blade angle to suite your situation.
- No-Till Residue Manager: No-till residue managers are for heaver, no-till residue situations. Available in both floating and fixed configurations.
- Regular Disk Furrower: Disk furrowers move dry soil and residue to the side for smoother opener operation. Sized 9.25 or 12 in. in diameter and are set nose to nose. Adjust depth and blade angle to suit your situation.
- Rotary Disk Scraper: Prevents excess dirt buildup, which is especially useful in wet or sticky soils. A heavy-duty flat scraper comes standard.
Compatible Planters: 1215 Rigid Mounted Early Riser Planter; 1225 Rigid Trailing Early Riser Planter; 1235 Mounted Stacker Early Riser Planter; 1245 Pivot Transport Early Riser Planter; 1255 Front-Fold Trailing Early Riser Planter; 1265 Front-Fold Trailing Early Riser Planter
Liquid Fertilizer Attachments:
200 to 600 gallon liquid fertilizer tanks, bulk-fill scales and disk openers.
- (2) 200 or 230 Gallon Liquid Fertilizer Tanks: Available for the 1245 Early Riser Planters.
- (4) 70 or (2) 110 Gallon Liquid Fertilizer Tanks: Available for the 1225 Early Riser Planters.
- 400 or 600 Gallon Liquid Fertilizer Tank: Available for the 1255 Early Riser Planters.
- 600 Gallon Liquid Fertilizer Tank: Available for the 1265 Early Riser Planters.
- Bulk Fill Scales: New bulk fill scales give you the ability to measure the exact weight of product remaining in the tank, ensure even seed distribution between seed tanks or add only the amount of seed required to complete a field or farm.
- Double-Disk Liquid Fertilizer Opener: Available for the 1225, 1245, 1255, and 1265 Early Riser Planters.
- No-Till Single-Disk Opener with Knife: Using single-disc fertilizer openers to apply fertilizer can help save money on labor, fuel and equipment.
- No-Till Single-Disk Opener with Liquid Injection
Compatible Planters: 1225 Rigid Trailing Early Riser Planter; 1245 Pivot Transport Early Riser Planter; 1255 Front-Fold Trailing Early Riser Planter; 1265 Front-Fold Trailing Early Riser Planter
Precision Planting® Attachments:
The Case IH - Precision Planting partnership means advanced planting technology choices for all our planters - each row unit can be customized, and function like an independent planter.
- 20/20 SeedSense®: Real-time, row-by-row, performance monitoring allows you to make decisions on the go. It provides clear visibility to diagnose planting errors, reduce compaction, control depth and evaluate seeding performance.
- CleanSweep®: Set and adjust residue managers from the cab using CleanSweep®. Air cylinders provide flexibility and enhanced performance to clear residue and improve emergence without going too deep to create trenches.
- DeltaForce®: Automatically control down pressure on every row for more accurate seed depth across varying soil conditions. DeltaForce can also lift the row unit to optimize seed placement in soft soil.
- vDrive™: The vDrive™ electric meter-drive system prevents overlaps and provides contour control to maximize seed placement accuracy. Maintain the prescribed population on each row for optimal yield potential.
- vSet™: The vSet™ vacuum meter system provides industryleading singulation accuracy with no need for adjustments.
Select Precision Planting products can be added to all planters. For customers who want the vSet vacuum meter and vDrive electric drive system with their planter, a new 1255 Early Riser planter can be purchased Precision Planting-ready, for simpler integration.