Tough harvest terrain in the Palouse valley and the Missouri, Ohio and Mississippi River valleys create a unique challenge for farmers during harvest. For 30 years, Case IH and Hillco Technologies have partnered to provide a leveling system solution that helps farmers maximize production in a simple, high-capacity design with seamless integration, all while keeping up with changing technology.
“We are able to transition from generation to generation and not have a huge learning curve or problems matching what we expected from the previous generation,” said Kurt Druffel, an Idaho farmer who uses the Hillco leveling system on his Case IH combine. “We are able to grow along with them, move to bigger header equipment along the way and increase our production with each generation.”
Designed by local engineers to address specific terrain challenges, the Hillco leveling systems enable Case IH Axial-Flow® combines to run perpendicular to slopes up to 40 degrees. This allows the combine’s cleaning system to work as designed, which helps manage residue, reduce grain loss and maximize producer yields and profits.
As farming technology continues to evolve, teams from Hillco and Case IH work closely together to ensure that each new combine has a leveling system that remains easy for farmers to use and maintain. Teams from both companies are in constant communication to ensure that farmers have access to the technology they need on their operations.
“Case IH is excited to celebrate this milestone in the fantastic partnership we’ve had with Hillco,” said Leo Bose, Case IH harvest marketing director. “Like Case IH, the team at Hillco is composed of many farmers who are not only building this equipment, but also using it on their own farms. A team with shared values and first-hand experience as growers enhances this partnership, which we hope to continue for decades to come.”
Hear from farmers about their experience with Case IH Axial-Flow combines with Hillco leveling systems on the Case IH YouTube page. For more information, talk to your local Case IH dealer, or visit