In 2016, as a modern, customer-oriented municipal technology specialist, STEYR once again provided six tractors for winter service operations / keeping access roads to the mountain village of Kulm free of snow and ice, making it safe for sports people and spectators to get in and out of the resort / This cult brand has a tradition of sports sponsorship
At the 24th FIS Ski Flying World Championships in January 2016, Steyr tractors are once again on the scene as 'active players': 'Kulm' is reputed to be the largest natural ski jumping venue, and these tractors helped to deliver optimum safety on the access roads and subsidiary tracks. For a few days before the competition, Steyr tractors were performing their winter road duties right around the Kulm area. At the opening event on Thursday, six tractors were on duty to support the competition. "We were as well equipped as we could be to deliver flexible response, fielding two 4115 Multi, a Profi 4130 CVT, a 6145 CVT, a 6160 CVT and a 6165 CVT. This year, once again, we were able to demonstrate more than the superlative performance capabilities of our tractors: we were also able to showcase our social commitment very clearly too", stated Josef Penzinger, Steyr Austria's Marketing Manager.
Municipal professionals with impressive high-tech credentials
This year, in keeping with previous years, the municipal experts from Steyr, working closely with the organisers of the Ski Flying World Championships, were able to put together a comprehensive winter services concept right around the Kulm area. "This concept not only provides training for local operating personnel. It also involves collaboration with our partner Hydrac, the company that provides us with snow ploughs, road gritters, front loaders and rotary snow blowers. These implements can all be attached to our tractors to suit prevailing needs", reported Penzinger.
The Steyr tractor portfolio - well beyond the confines of the Kulm area - delivers the right vehicle for all conceivable practical needs. Since the entirely new Terrus CVT series was unveiled last autumn, the performance range of this portfolio extends from 56 to 300 hp. The applications may involve municipal authorities, farming, forestry or other forms of use. In all cases, Steyr tractors score highly in everyday operation, delivering optimum productivity, reliability and ease of operation. All combined with incredibly efficient use of fuel and low pollutant emissions.
Social commitment with 'showcase performance'
Alongside the tractors from Steyr, Case Construction Equipment, a member of the CNH Industrial Family, is at Kulm to support the Ski Jumping World Championships. One such vehicle is the Case Construction Equipment wheel loader, performing winter services and also helping to install and dismantle the event infrastructure. For CNH Industrial, in the same spirit as Steyr, social commitment has been part of everyday life for some time, in this instance through the support of a sports event. "Whenever our 'motorised municipal experts' support events such as this Ski Jumping World Championships, we do more than simply contribute towards the safety and organisation of the competition. We also demonstrate clearly what our tractors are capable of accomplishing in applications like winter services. There was therefore no question in our minds about returning to Kulm to support the Ski Jumping World Championships", explained Rudolf Hinterberger, Business Director for Steyr Austria.
St. Valentin, 19.01.2016