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Release Date: 04 Sep 2020
School project in Hungary

Twenty-four tractors supplied by Magtar Kft to 18 training schools and professional training centres / To be used for acquisition of tractor licences, for field tasks and for training / Handover at special event attended by Minister of Agriculture at Csapó Dániel Agricultural Technical School /

Magtár Kft, the official importer of STEYR in Hungary, has won a tender to supply a total of 24 tractors to 18 agricultural schools, to help train the country’s future farmers.

The new machines are all 4085 STEYR Kompakt models, and seven of them were displayed at a ceremony to mark the announcement of the deal, held on August 30 at Csapó Dániel Agricultural Technical School, Szekszárd. Delivery has now begun of the full fleet of tractors to the schools and training centres, which are spread throughout Hungary.

Guests at the event included Minister of Agriculture Dr István Nagy, Secretary of State of the Agriculture Ministry Sándor Farkas, and school principal Zsuzsanna Szerdai Simonné, who co-ordinated the project from the schools’ side. The principals of the other schools in the project also attended.

The EU-funded tender was launched to renew the existing outdated machines operated by the agricultural schools and professional training centres, and enhance the digital competencies of the students and future agricultural professionals by enabling them to work with the latest technology. The tender included the stipulation that they possessed the key features of modern mid-range models, such as up-to-date engine technology, powershift transmission and electro-hydraulic linkage controls. The tractors were also required to have modern GPS guidance systems and the basis of precision farming equipment for training purposes, as they are also to be used for various field applications in training fields.

In addition, the machines had to be equipped for the task of teaching and examination of students for tractor driving licences. This meant the specification required included a full-size secondary seat, an additional brake pedal, a clutch button and a set of mirrors for the teacher.

“A successful combination of meeting all the technical requirements, providing a STEYR extended warranty program and a strong, continuous co-operation between STEYR and dealer were key elements in winning this tender,” believes Sándor Mikó, managing director, who runs Magtár Kft alongside owner/principal János Tóth and Peter Pillmann, STEYR Product Manager.

“We are delighted to have been awarded this prestigious tender and look forward to helping play our part in supporting the farmers of the future.”

Matteo Paraluppi, Business Manager, STEYR Eastern Europe and Balkans, said:

“We are proud to be recognized as a reliable partner for public institutions, and proud also that the farmers of tomorrow can practice and grow by using our tractors. Our success in Hungary underlines our position as an established international supplier ready to also play an important role, together with our local partners, in the development of young farmers and communities as a whole.”

St. Valentin, 03.09.2020

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