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Release Date: 13 Oct 2020
STEYR Demo tour

Campaign covers three events across two countries / Conducted in conjunction with importer Agri CS / Fleet of twelve tractors made available for visitors to test drive and examine / Outdoor events conducted in the field in socially-distanced format / Focus on CVT models / 

Farmers across the Czech Republic and Slovakia have been able to learn about the latest developments in the STEYR tractor range, including the fuel-efficiency and operational benefits of continuously-variable transmission (CVT) technology, courtesy of a recent series of demonstration events.

The demo tour was organised by STEYR’s local team in conjunction with Agri CS, the brand’s official importer for the two countries. With events held near Presov, Slovakia, and in the areas close to Brno and to Pilsen, both in the Czech Republic, farmers, contractors and other tractor users from across a wide area were able to experience some of the latest developments in tractor technology.

“Together with our partner Agri CS we are working hard to show farmers in these two countries why STEYR tractors deserve their strong image and high level of popularity. We already have numerous customers who are extremely satisfied with the STEYR tractors they operate and showing our products on the field in this way will, we hope, convince many more that STEYR is best choice for a partner on which they can rely,” says Matteo Paraluppi STEYR Business Manager for Eastern Europe.

The safety of the 250 customers in attendance across the three events was upheld through full respect given to social distance and hygiene rules in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the activities took place exclusively in the field. These measures meant visitors were able to put the tractors to work and conduct ‘hands-on’ tests in safety. A fleet of 12 models was available to try, but there was a particular focus on two ranges: the new Expert CVT (four models from 100-140 max hp) and Impuls CVT (three models from 190-225 max hp with Engine Power Management). Both are fitted as standard with the STEYR CVT continuously-variable transmission, which provides stepless travel and enables engine speed to operate independently of forward speed, and vice versa. This brings about considerable gains in fuel efficiency and hence helps users to minimise cost of production and maximise margins.

“Attracting strong numbers of participants, while at the same time adopting a high level of sensitivity and awareness with regard to safety and hygiene measures, the demo tour was a great success. Agri CS, as our partner in this region, is to be thanked for the organisation it put into these events, and we are proud to have such a professional partner in the region, keeping us close to our customers whilst ensuring strong business continuity, particularly in the current circumstances,” says Matteo Paraluppi, STEYR Business Manager for Eastern Europe.

The STEYR brand, which has been associated since 1947 with a reputation for high-quality tractors made in Austria, has a growing international presence, and is becoming particularly popular in mid-Europe, where a strong importer and expanding dealer network is helping to back STEYR product sales and support customers. Field demonstration tours such as those recently completed are a central part of this. 

St. Valentin, 30.09.2020

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