The Sustainable Farm Pavilion which has already attracted more than half a million visitors, achieved recognition in the framework of the "Towards a sustainable Expo" initiative promoted by the Italian Ministry for the Environment aimed at promoting the adoption of sustainable solutions by the main protagonists of Expo Milano 2015.
On Thursday 1 October, Expo Milano 2015 hosted the final ceremony of the "Towards a sustainable Expo" initiative promoted by the Ministry for the Environment in collaboration with Expo 2015 S.p.A., aimed at incentivising the participants to adopt solutions developed around the maximum sustainability and to recognize the best results.
The ceremony was attended by the Italian Minister for the Environment Gian Luca Galletti, the Commissioner of Expo Milano 2015 Giuseppe Sala and the Acting Director, Regional Office for Europe of UNEP, United Nations Environment Programme, Jan Dusik, and marked the end of a rigorous evaluation of more than 80 entries received from 39 participants in four categories: 23 countries and 16 partners and civil society organisations.
The New Holland Agriculture pavilion was heralded as the leader in the Design & Construction category, together with Austria, Brazil, Monaco, Coca-Cola and Save The Children.
The initiative's promoters expressed their satisfaction with the design and construction solutions adopted by New Holland to minimise the environmental impact of the pavilion, maximise energy and water consumption efficiency, use renewable energy sources and facilitate the removal and complete re-use of the structures.
The title of leader was gained thanks also to the decisive contribution of the drywall construction system, which employed prefabricated components assembled on site, without the use of mortar, cement or any other form of binder and hence without using water resources. The decision to build the entire structure, including the foundations, around a steel frame, resulted in a significant reduction in construction times, with a cleaner and more rationally organised work site, reducing the overall environmental impact right from the initial set-up stages and eliminating any need for demolition work at the end of the event.
Unanimous praise was also received for the numerous coordinated solutions adopted in the outdoor and indoor spaces of the New Holland pavilion. A special note of merit was awarded to the pavilion's grass roof, designed to reduce heat absorption during the daytime, the rainwater harvesting system employed to obtain water for irrigation of the grass roof, the reconstruction for successive deployment of the pavilion and the merchandising offering developed around the use of recycled materials.
Thanks to its advanced design and sustainable building solutions, the New Holland Agriculture's Sustainable Farm Pavilion has also been appreciated by the Expo Milano 2015 visitors. Early October, at the time of the ceremony, more than half a million people visited the building. This success underlines New Holland's commitment to get the general public closer to the world of agricultural sustainable mechanisation and to the efforts of its ultimate protagonists, the farmers.