CropTec 2014 will be the opportunity for farmers to see for themselves how the efficiency of New Holland’s Precision Land Management can cut waste, boost profits and free-up time.
Standing out at the East of England Showground in Peterborough on 19-20 November will be New Holland’s full range of solutions including displays, guidance and telematics systems, office software, variable rate applications and section control.
The showcase will highlight the New Holland products and techniques that can singly or in combination significantly ramp up sustainability and returns, while lowering costs of production across all crops and forages.
PLM™ Connect Telematics will be presented to demonstrate how real time analysis can lead to better decision making and increase productivity. The state-of-the-art communication system can facilitate the control and supervision of equipment from a centralised office, allowing machine operation to be monitored and managed without the need to spend time travelling between separate operations.
The complete range of displays will also be exhibited: from the basic EZ-Guide® 250 and the intermediate FM-750™ up to the advanced FM-1000™, and XCN-2050 as well as both integrated solutions of the Intelliview™ III and IV.
Included in the demonstration of New Holland’s guidance offering will be the fully integrated autoguidance IntelliSteer® system which improve overall operating efficiency, saving fuel and enhancing operator performance and comfort.
The easy to use and install EZ-Pilot™ assisted steering system will also lay out the business benefits of accurate and efficient control.
In addition, input control systems, such as the ISOBUS task controller (through the Intelliview™ IV display), will demonstrate the cost savings attainable through section control.
Meanwhile, office software such as PLM™ Mapping will show farmers the potential of viewing and printing maps and yield reports from harvested fields, as well as more advanced features such as creating guidance paths along with prescription maps.
29 October 2014