- Crop production offering has extended to include the new Side Mounted Combi Wheel for PHV ploughs
- Triple Disc Mower in Hybrid exhibition display (rear mowers with and without conditioner Megacutter 860 / 860P)
New Holland is displaying implements of each mayor product segment (Crop Preparation, Soil and Ploughs) at Agritechnica 2019 exhibition, extending its hay & forage and crop production ranges to offer customers a wide choice of complete solutions.
Crop production offering is expanded to include new Side Mounted Combi Wheel on PHV Ploughs
New Holland is introducing the new Side Mounted CombiWheel developed to extend its wheel offering for heavy-duty PHV ploughs. The new wheel has the advantage of working inside the furrow already at a ploughing width of 40 cm, leaving no unploughed soil at the headland, resulting in improved weed control.
At Agritechnica 2019, the Side Mounted CombiWheel is displayed on a PHV5 plough. This range of heavy-duty reversible, fully mounted ploughs is compatible with tractors of up to 225hp, features hydraulically adjustable working widths. With its extendable frame, it offers excellent operational flexibility.
Hay & Forage range including DuraDisc™ and Mega Cutter™ mowers
New Holland offers a full range of implements for hay and foraging operations that includes a wide choice of front and rear mounted mowers as well as lateral and central pull trailed versions, mounted and trailed tedders, and side and central delivery rakes.
At Agritechnica 2019, New Holland is displaying a hybrid showcase version of the Mega Cutter™ triple mower. One of MegaCutter 860 wing is equipped with Polyethylene finger conditions and the other without conditioning system in addition to the Front DiscCutter F320P.