- New Holland Agriculture is the only agricultural equipment manufacturer present at EXPO with its own pavilion that opens its doors on 1st May, inaugurating the exhibition and a series of events and conferences, all strictly linked to sustainable farming and agricultural mechanization as an efficient solution for feeding the world.
The Sustainable Farm Pavilion is strategically located in a central position close to the Lake Arena and is immediately recognizable thanks to its striking architectural features. EXPO Milano 2015 will inaugurate a long season of exhibitions, events and conferences, that will attract millions of potential visitors to the New Holland Sustainable pavilion in the 184 days until 31 October, learning about the core role of agricultural mechanization in the food production supply chain and celebrating the role of farmers who use New Holland equipment and technology day after day to provide food all over the world, in strict respect for the environment and protecting the natural resources.
Intrinsically linked to the EXPO theme of "Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life”, the New Holland pavilion was inspired, in terms of the concept, construction and the thematic visit experience, by the Clean Energy Leader strategy launched by the brand in 2006. It aims to reduce farmers' over-reliance on fossil fuels and promote bioenergy crop production, with particular focus on the Energy Independent Farm project, which provides farmers with ideas and technological solutions for independent production, in a continuous and renewable cycle, of all the energy needed on the farm.
And one of the symbols of this innovative, efficient and clean technology is the new T6 Methane Power tractor fuelled by biomethane and standing proudly on the sloping roof of the pavilion- It welcomes visitors who will soon be immersed in a thematic visit experience where audio, augmented reality and virtual simulation installations illustrate how a world mechanization leader sees the present and plans the future of an agriculture that can produce more food, using resources wisely, eliminating waste and protecting the environment.
Among the various themes illustrated in the Sustainable Farm Pavilion, two stand out for their significance. The first, The Seeds of Life Series is a video storytelling relating the life and daily challenges of nine Agricultural Heroes and New Holland customers, able to cherish both tradition and innovation for clean and healthy food production.
The second is the timeline gallery that celebrates 120 years of New Holland, from its 1895 start in New Holland, Pennsylvania, through the ingenious intuitions of its founding pioneers and a host of innovations and technological solutions that have gradually relieved the burden of farming and made it more productive, profitable, and certainly more reliable and sustainable.
In the words of New Holland Agriculture Brand President Carlo Lambro on the eve of the inauguration: "We've dedicated massive resources to ensuring we exploit this unique opportunity to give millions of potential visitors a close-up view of New Holland and show them what we do: we're the only agricultural equipment manufacturer with its own pavilion at EXPO and we've done everything in our power to offer our visitors a compelling, inspiring and memorable experience. The Expo is creating plenty of employment opportunities too. For the six-months of the event we'll employ around 140 people including technicians, support staff, hostesses and stewards, many of whom CNH Industrial employees' family members, who've responded enthusiastically to the opportunity. I'm personally extremely proud of what we've managed to achieve and of the fact that New Holland is playing a key role in a high profile event on the world stage and one that's also of enormous importance for Italy."