New Holland Agriculture has entered into a new collaboration with “grow it up”, the technology incubator for Italian startups. Microsoft and Cariplo Factory supported this initiative, together with a large panel of partners that represents better the Italian excellence like Barilla, Enel, Intesa San Paolo, Generali and New Holland Agriculture.
The official launch of the Corporate Venture Capital program has been made on July 1st at Base Milan, the headquarter of Cariplo Factory. From now on, it will be the new pole of “open and collaborative innovation”, where the startups will start their own path and will be driven towards meeting investors.
The main focus of this project is to promote Innovation by making renowned Italian companies meet promising start ups. The objective is, on one side, to help the growth of young and innovative companies, and on the other side, to support the bigger companies design their strategy for the future, thanks to disruptive thinking of young innovators.
New Holland Agriculture will take this opportunity to welcome new ideas which could fit its product needs in terms of advanced technology and innovation in the Agri-Food sector.
Milan, 12 July 2016