- Carlo Lambro addressed the public debate at the EXPO Milano 2015 Biodiversity Pavilion to explain CNH Industrial's commitment and strategies, and the projects under way aimed at boosting agricultural production, reducing environmental impact and managing resources responsibly.
The "Sustainable agriculture in developing countries" public debate organised by Italian geopolitics magazine 'Limes' in collaboration with CNH Industrial was held on Thursday 2 July in the Biodiversity Pavilion at EXPO Milano 2015.
The event saw the participation of key personalities from the worlds of politics, industry, academia and international organisations.
These areas were represented by the following speakers: Paolo De Castro, MEP and permanent rapporteur for Expo 2015 of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development; Giampaolo Cantini, Minister Plenipotentiary and Directorate General for Italian Development Cooperation; Emilio Ciarlo, Head of the International Department of the Democratic Party in the Italian Parliament chamber of deputies; Esoh Elamè, Coordinator of the master course in inter-cultural eco-management of the schools of the Interdepartmental centre for didactic research and advanced learning (CIRDFA) of Cà Foscari University of Venice; Elbehri Aziz, FAO Senior Economist; and Carlo Lambro, New Holland Agriculture Brand President and member of CNH Industrial’s Group Executive Council.
In his closing address Carlo Lambro illustrated the significance of the presence of CNH Industrial plants in developing countries as an employment, social and technological engine of development oriented towards the goal of sustainability through modernisation of the agricultural sector, infrastructure, transport and energy generation and distribution systems.
Getting to grips with the theme of the public debate, Lambro highlighted the critical importance of agricultural mechanisation in emerging economies in order to guarantee not merely food security but also to set in motion a virtuous circle based on recovery, recycling and reuse of materials and resources.
Mechanisation and technology allow us to "do more with less", i.e. produce more food using less fuel, less water and fewer seeds, with a reduced use of fertilizers while releasing lower levels of pollutants into the environment. All these sustainable practices can be accomplished today through the use of precision agricultural techniques, wherein the rational use of inputs is coordinated with the need to protect the soil and boost crop yields.
Focusing on the importance of developing agricultural mechanisation, Lambro described two major projects completed by New Holland Agriculture in Iraq and China. The Iraq project involved setting up local agricultural machinery assembly and production centres to support renewal of the agricultural sector devastated by the war, while the China project was designed to assist the transition from rural agricultural practices to modern farming techniques.
Lambro went on to illustrate the initiatives of CNH Industrial and New Holland Agriculture in the area of agricultural operator training, conservation agriculture techniques and the promotion of renewable fuels, a sector in which New Holland occupies a leading role with its Clean Energy Leader® strategy launched in 2006. The brand is committed in developing the Energy Independent Farm concept aimed at providing farms with a higher level of energy autonomy through the use of biomethane deriving from biomass.
Lambro ended his speech by explaining that sustainability lies at the centre of the entire spectrum of business of CNH Industrial, as demonstrated by the New Holland Agriculture Sustainable Farm Pavilion at EXPO.