“When the well’s dry, we know the worth of water.” The words of Benjamin Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, have never been more pertinent. Water is one of our most precious resources but supplies are under increasing pressure. Find out how CNH Industrial is implementing good water management to reduce wastage of this vital natural resource in the latest article in our Top Stories series: www.cnhindustrial.com/smartaboutwater_ENG
A large part of the world’s population who have never suffered water shortages have always taken its availability for granted – water has always been quite literally “on tap”. Today, however, a growing global population, increasing industrialization and urbanization has placed an ever-growing demand on this essential resource. Demand and wastage reduction are two fundamental pillars in helping overcome this issue.
CNH Industrial N.V. (NYSE: CNHI / MI: CNHI) believes that not only is the sustainable management of water vital for the protection and promotion of healthy ecosystems, but that it is also critical from a business perspective. Water is essential to the efficient running of the Company’s manufacturing processes and the Company’s plants operate locally to reduce water requirements and wastewater volumes without compromising quality standards.
The best way to illustrate how CNH Industrial is putting theory into practice is by showing some real life examples of the Company’s smart water management program at work. This article takes the reader on whistle-stop tour of some of the Company’s manufacturing sites across the globe to see how they are adopting water reduction and recycling initiatives. From Plock in Poland to Pithampur in India via a pioneering water-collection project in Tunisia, we learn how CNH Industrial is leading the way in the sustainable management of water through a combination of innovative projects and the engagement of both staff and of the communities in which the Company operates.
International recognition of the Company’s successful water management practices was recently confirmed by its inclusion on the CDP Water Security ‘A’ list of global leaders in water management.
Read the full story at: www.cnhindustrial.com/smartaboutwater_ENG
London, July 9, 2020