The Company has quickly supported the affected communities, by making its machines and resources available to the rescue effort. Furthermore, the Company, through the Italian Red Cross, has provided a fund-raising channel to enable employees to support the impacted population.
Following the earthquake that affected central Italy, CNH Industrial is in contact with the relief agencies, including the National Firefighters Brigade and the Civil Protection Authority, offering tangible support in the immediate aftermath.
To date, the Company has put at the disposal of the rescue effort Case Construction Equipment and New Holland Construction excavators as well as Case IH and New Holland agricultural machinery including tractors with front loaders and telehandlers. The Company’s Iveco brand commercial vehicles and mini-buses have been offered to the rescue effort. Six FPT Industrial power generator units have also been provided.
The Company’s employees are also engaged in fundraising efforts. Through the Italian Red Cross, a CNH Industrial channel for collecting employee donations has been established. The Company will match European employee donations for the earthquake victims.
London, August 29, 2016