CDP, the international non-profit that drives companies and governments to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, safeguard water resources and protect forests, has recognized CNH Industrial N.V. (NYSE: CNHI / MI: CNHI) as a global leader in sustainable water management, naming it as one of only 27 companies included in the CDP Water Security A-List. Furthermore, CNH Industrial scored an A- in the CDP Climate Change program and, for the first time, was invited to participate in the CDP Forests program, receiving a C score.
“We are delighted that the CDP has recognized our efforts to sustainably manage our water resources, combat climate change, and tackle deforestation globally. Inclusion in the CDP Water Security A-List is something we take great pride in as we strive to improve the efficiency of our processes, through initiatives such as our World Class Manufacturing and Logistics programs. Our high score in the Climate Change program reflects our significant progress in this area, and we are committed to ensuring continuous improvement,” commented Hubertus Mühlhäuser, Chief Executive Officer at CNH Industrial.
Every year, thousands of companies disclose data about their environmental impacts, risks and opportunities to CDP for independent assessment against its scoring methodology. In 2018, companies were requested to do so by over 650 investors with over USD $87 trillion in assets and/or 115 major purchasing organizations with USD $3.3 trillion in purchasing power.
Each of CDP’s questionnaires, on climate change, water and forests, have an individual methodology that scores responses across four levels: disclosure, awareness, management and leadership.
CNH Industrial’s efforts in water management focus on increasing water efficiency throughout its industrial processes. The Company’s industrial operations work to locally reduce the requirement of water and wastewater volumes, while at the same maintaining quality standards.
The Company’s sustainable efforts go beyond its own sites, as it promotes the same environmental standards it practices among its suppliers as well as developing projects to improve environmental impact, such as water accessibility in the local communities where it operates.
These latest results follow CNH Industrial’s eighth consecutive year as the Industry Leader in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, World and Europe. The Company is also included in the following indexes: FTSE4Good index series, ECPI Global Agriculture Liquid, ECPI World ESG Equity, ECPI Global Developed ESG Best in Class, ECPI Euro ESG Equity, ECPI Global Megatrend 100, Euronext Vigeo World 120, Euronext Vigeo Europe 120, Euronext Vigeo Eurozone 120, STOXX Global ESG Leaders Index, STOXX Global ESG Environmental Leaders Index, STOXX Global ESG Social Leaders Index, STOXX Global ESG Governance Leaders Index, STOXX Global ESG Impact Index, STOXX Global Low Carbon Footprint, STOXX Global Reported Low Carbon, and Thomson Reuters Diversity & Inclusion Index. Those listed are the main global STOXX indexes in which CNH Industrial is included.
London, January 23, 2019