The speech focused on CNH Industrial’s responsibility to act as a global steward in fostering and supporting local agriculture. The Company demonstrated its commitment to sustainable solutions for a growing world as well as agricultural and biological engineers through various activities at the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) Annual Meeting, including a dedicated stand. ASABE recently recognized CNH Industrial’s brands as having developed nine of the top 50 most innovative products in the areas of agricultural, food, and biological systems.
CNH Industrial N.V. (NYSE: CNHI / MI: CNHI) Chairman Sergio Marchionne was the keynote speaker today at the 2014 American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting in Montreal, Canada.
The speech delivered by Mr Marchionne highlighted the need for people across the world to have access to a healthy, safe and sufficient food supply. Extensive experience and a proven track record in product innovation make CNH Industrial an excellent partner in providing efficient, sustainable and profit-generating technology to farmers. As a global leader in the capital goods sector that, through its various businesses, designs, produces and sells agricultural equipment, CNH Industrial has 12 manufacturing plants, 12 research and development centers, and a workforce of 10,000 people in North America.
“I am honored to be the keynote speaker at ASABE’s Annual Meeting,” said Mr Marchionne. “As an employer to thousands of engineers and an industry-leader in the agriculture industry, we see a clear duty in dedicating the skills and talents of CNH Industrial to meet the current and future needs of farmers. Our company strives to create high-performing agricultural equipment and systems as well as create sustainability initiatives that help increase the global food supply.”
The ASABE Annual International Meeting is held July 13-16 in Montreal where the capital goods company has a booth. Carl Fletcher, a member of CNH Industrial’s agricultural product development team and Cash Crop High Tractor Platform Leader, is also speaking at the event.
Earlier in 2014, ASABE recognized CNH Industrial’s agricultural brands, Case IH and New Holland Agriculture, among the top 50 most innovative products in their annual AE50 list. The only awards program of its kind to celebrate product innovations in the areas of agricultural, food, and biological systems, winners are decided by an expert panel of engineers which selects up to 50 products for recognition. The products were judged on innovation, significant engineering advancement, and impact on the market served.
Nine of the company’s products made the list. These included six New Holland Agriculture products (the Roll-Belt™ 560 round baler; Discbine® center-pivot disc mower-conditioners; Speedrower® selfpropelled windrowers; Opti-Speed™ variable strawwalker speed technology for CX Series combines; SmartTrax™ system with Terraglide™ suspension for CR Series combines; ECOBlue™ HI-eSCR exhaust gas after-treatment system) and three Case IH products (the 4412 folding corn head; the Axial-Flow® 230 series combines; and the Steiger Rowtrac™ tractor).
The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers is an international scientific and educational organization dedicated to the advancement of engineering applicable to agricultural, food, and biological systems. Its members, from more than 100 countries, are consultants, managers, researchers, and others who have the training and experience to understand the interrelationships between technology and living systems.
Basildon, July 14, 2014