CNH Industrial N.V. (NYSE: CNHI / MI: CNHI) participated in the National Development Cooperation Conference, which was held in Rome, Italy on January 24 and 25, organized in collaboration with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation.
The Company not only shared its own experiences by presenting a selection of development cooperation projects in which it is actively involved, but also played a key role by supporting the organization of the event. Three Daily Tourys Euro VI minibuses from its international bus and coach brand, IVECO BUS were made available for the transport of international delegates and participants. Equipped with the exclusive automatic 8-gear HI-Matic transmission, the Daily Tourys Euro VI model recently won the prestigious “International Minibus of the Year 2017” award.
The Conference, with the theme “Innovation and the future”, stressed the need for implementing fairer globalization that guarantees economic development as well as growth and work opportunities for everyone. Italian and foreign institutions and numerous organizations active on a national and international level took part in the event. The second day was dedicated to dialogue between representatives from the world of business, communication and entertainment, engaged in cooperation activities and projects, and the operators in the field.
CNH Industrial was represented by Michele Ziosi, Head of Institutional Relations Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific, who observed the Company’s active involvement with respect to the Sustainable Development Goals identified by the UN in 2015. In particular, he illustrated the Company’s contribution in the areas of combating climate change and promoting sustainable agriculture and innovation. “Over the past years,” stressed Ziosi, “investment in alternative fuels has been a priority for CNH Industrial, in particular as concerns the use of natural gas and biomethane, which can reduce CO2 emissions even 100%.”
Ziosi then presented two sustainability initiatives that CNH Industrial has been carrying out for some years in Africa, considering the historical presence of all the Company's main brands on the continent. From agriculture, with Case IH and New Holland Agriculture, to CASE construction equipment, to IVECO commercial vehicles, IVECO BUS buses and specialist equipment, including IVECO ASTRA and Magirus, up to engines, with FPT Industrial.
The first initiative concerns a three year sustainable water resource management project in one of the driest regions in Tunisia, the Governorate of Kebili. In collaboration with the Tunisian government, FAO and New Holland Agriculture, the global agricultural machinery brand of CNH Industrial, the project aims to build and restore traditional water collection systems, create farming areas for the local population as well as offer training to farmers concerning best cultivation practices.
The second initiative is a project that grew out of the TechPro2 initiative, the professional training program that was started in partnership with Fiat Chrysler Automobiles and the Salesian congregation, which focused on inserting young people specialized in the automotive and industrial sector into the working world. Specifically, Ziosi explained the collaboration started by IVECO, CNH Industrial’s international commercial vehicles brand, with Bosco Children’s ‘Preventive and Rehabilitative Program for Street Children’ in Ethiopia. “The purpose of this initiative is to reduce the impact of marginalization and the risk for children living on the streets who are being cared for at the Bosco Children center of Addis Abeba, by reinserting them in their families and in society.”
London, January 25, 2018