During a meeting with Italy’s national trade unions today, CNH Industrial presented the bonus amounts that will be paid to all of the Company’s employees in Italy in their February pay slips. These relate to the successful achievement of production efficiency targets. As required by the company-specific collective labor agreement (CCSL), these bonuses are commensurate with the performance achieved by each individual production unit, measured according to the WCM (World Class Manufacturing) system.
Overall, in 2021 there was a substantial and general improvement compared with 2020, a year in which performance was significantly impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. All three of CNH Industrial’s plants in Italy reached or exceeded the minimum recovery level for production efficiency that triggers the bonus payment. The employees of the Jesi, Lecce and Modena plants will receive bonus payments averaging between 735 and 1,235 euros, gross. A bonus is also foreseen for CNH Industrial employees that are not directly employed at these production sites.
London, February 4, 2022