At CNH increasing productivity for our customers in a sustainable way is a key priority. We are investing in alternative propulsion, fuel use/input cost reductions, and other innovative technologies, and this is just the tip of the iceberg.
To this end, our brand, CASE Construction Equipment, has broken new ground to deliver the first certified sustainable roadshow in the UK. We created a video and photo gallery to document how this milestone was reached during a two-day event in Derbyshire, in central England.
The event featured a line-up of electric construction machinery as well as a variety of other carbon reducing initiatives, including sustainable waste management.
A roadshow featuring heavy construction machinery inevitably has an impact on the land, so after the show we restored the site to its original condition. And our achievements were independently recognized with the ISO 20121 certification – a methodology first applied at the 2012 London Olympics – which rewards sustainable event organization.
To find out more and view the video and photo gallery, visit:
Basildon, April 17, 2024