CNH Industrial brand Magirus, a world leader in firefighting equipment and technology, has crowned the Rio de Janeiro Fire Department as the winners of its annual Conrad Dietrich Magirus Award. This accolade was first established in 2012 as a means to acknowledge the work and achievements of the men and women who dedicate their lives to providing fire protection services. Placing second and third were the Absam Fire Department (Austria) and the Lampedusa Fire Department (Italy), respectively.
CNH Industrial N.V. (NYSE: CNHI / MI: CNHI) brand Magirus, a global frontrunner in firefighting equipment and technology, recognised the exceptional efforts of firefighters around the world at its annual Conrad Dietrich Magirus Award ceremony. The event was held on Friday, November 21st at the brand’s headquarters in Ulm, Germany. A number of international firefighting teams spanning countries such as Brazil, Spain, Austria, France and Italy competed for the award this year.
The selection process included a jury of specialists who chose the best submissions, which were then included in a public online voting poll at The top three winners were officially announced at the ceremony. The Rio de Janeiro Fire Department from Brazil was rewarded for its long journey with first place honours, having received the most online votes. One particular heroic instance that contributed to their win involved a rescue mission to extinguish a fire caused by a truck that had run into a footbridge above a high-traffic city freeway, causing it to collapse. The competition runners up were the Absam Fire Department from Austria in second place and the Lampedusa Fire Department from Italy in third.
As a part of its first place win, the fire brigade of 10 receives an all-expenses paid trip to New York City where they will have a private visit of the New York Fire Department (FDNY), arguably one of the most famous in the world. During this visit, the Brazilian team will have the opportunity to gain insight into the work of their American colleagues. They will also visit a variety of local fire departments, see the world’s most cutting-edge fireboat and experience the first-hand training that American firefighters undergo at The Rock training academy."It goes without saying that winning first place is always a great feeling. But each and every firefighter here has demonstrated extraordinary courage, bravery, and decisiveness," said surprise guest, FDNY Captain Tony Tricarico during his speech. “Being here today makes all of you a winner”.
Basildon, November 25, 2014