CNH Industrial N.V. (NYSE: CNHI / MI: CNHI) shareholders at the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”), held today in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, approved the Company’s 2019 EU–IFRS Annual Report (including the Consolidated Financial Statements and Separate Financial Statements of CNH Industrial N.V.).
Suzanne Heywood was re-elected as executive director. Léo W. Houle, John Lanaway, Alessandro Nasi, Lorenzo Simonelli, Jacqueline A. Tammenoms Bakker and Jacques Theurillat were re-elected as non-executive directors. Howard W. Buffett, Nelda (Janine) Connors, Tufan Erginbilgic and Vagn Sørensen were elected as non-executive directors. In addition, Ernst & Young Accountants LLP was reappointed as independent auditor of the Company.
Full details of all matters approved today at the AGM and the Chairperson’s and Acting Chief Executive Officer’s speeches are available on the Company's website (
Concurrently with the AGM, the Company published its 2019 Sustainability Report. This Report was prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards, the main international framework for reporting on governance, environmental and social themes, and the AA1000 AccountAbility Principles Standard.
To view the 2019 Sustainability Report online, please visit the following link:
London, April 16, 2020