CNH Industrial took the occasion of Expo 2015 to shine the spotlight on Europe’s public transport systems. In a workshop dedicated to the topic, the Company addressed the benefits arising for all stakeholders when an integrated approach to renewing bus fleets is taken. This approach aims to put next-generation and alternatively-powered vehicles into circulation for both urban and intercity networks.
CNH Industrial N.V. (NYSE: CNHI / MI: CNHI), in collaboration with NGV System Italy, coordinated a workshop entitled, “Feeding the Local Public Transport – Innovative & Sustainable buses for the Public Transport System”, held yesterday in Milan. The aim was to take stock of local public transport in Europe and identify joint actions for transferring the benefits of technological innovation to the daily services taking place throughout the sector.
The workshop, sponsored by the Italian Ministry for the Environment, and attended by representatives of the Italian automotive industry operators’ association (ANFIA) and other domestic and European associations in the same sector, examined the future of buses in the local public transport system, taking an integrated approach that involves all sector stakeholders. It also focused on the need to equip European networks with more efficient and innovative buses that are economically and environmentally sustainable. This stems from recent studies in the sector showing that approximately 50% of buses used in Europe are classed as Euro III, while in Italy and Poland, 15%-20% of bus fleets are still Euro 0 and Euro I.
Speaking on behalf of the company was Michele Ziosi, Head of Institutional Relations for Europe, the Middle East and Africa at CNH Industrial: “The theme of Expo 2015, ‘Feed the Planet, Energy for Life’, reflects messages that are of the utmost significance to CNH Industrial: sustainability and respect for the environment. The renewal of bus fleets constitutes a priority for the local public transport sector in Europe. Iveco Bus (a brand of CNH Industrial) offers a complete range of alternatively-powered buses, such as those which run on methane or biomethane, as well as hybrid vehicles, which can already meet the need for more sustainable transport. As a European leader in the natural gas vehicles sector, Iveco Bus is the ideal choice to achieve the European Union’s targets for cutting CO2 emissions.”
Iveco Bus, CNH Industrial’s passenger transport brand, and one of the leading European manufacturers of natural gas buses, will provide Expo with seven eco-friendly Urbanway city buses, powered by compressed natural gas (CNG).
London, May 8, 2015