Carlo Lambro, the Brand President of New Holland Agriculture – a CNH Industrial agricultural machinery brand – gave a presentation on the company and brand’s approach to providing solutions to improve farming efficiency and productivity. He spoke during a session dedicated to Agriculture and Food Security at the International Agricultural Forum being held at Expo Milano 2015.
CNH Industrial N.V. (NYSE: CNHI / MI: CNHI) illustrated its commitment to securing the right of healthy, safe and sufficient food for all by responsible investment in agriculture and food systems at the International Agricultural Forum being held from June 4 – 5 at Expo Milano 2015.
The theme of the universal event taking place in Milan, Italy, “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life” drove discussions at the Forum organised by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry (MIPAAF). The issue at hand was that of the global food challenge. Open to discussion was the issue of seeking a just balance between availability and consumption of resources by using efficient and accessible technology in order to achieve a sustainable future.
Carlo Lambro, a member of CNH Industrial’s Group Executive Council and Brand President of New Holland Agriculture, delivered a presentation during the Forum session on Agriculture and Food Security. In his speech, Mr. Lambro highlighted the development of CNH Industrial’s innovative solutions which seek to accomplish long-term sustainability: “By providing innovative products, technologies and solutions for the agriculture, transport and construction sectors that abide by environmentally responsible operating practices, CNH Industrial is doing its part to address global issues such as nutrition, food security and climate change.”
He went on to present New Holland’s on-going investment in advanced farming technologies such as Precision Land Management (PLM) which optimises the use of inputs such as seed and fertiliser to ensure maximum returns, the development of conservation agriculture, practicing minimum mechanical soil disturbance to maintain minerals and preventing water loss from occurring within the soil and stopping erosion. “This not only leads to higher yields, but it also prevents potentially harmful and wasteful surpluses from damaging the environment. Soil is a farm’s lifeblood. That’s where the present and future viability of a farm lies, so protecting it – maintaining the nutrients it contains – is vital to every farmer’s future,” emphasised Lambro.
CNH Industrial is placing great focus on alternative renewable energy in order to evolve towards increasingly more sustainable solutions for its sectors of interest, which include agriculture and transport. In his address, Mr. Lambro touched on the overarching importance of natural gas and biomethane alternative fuel technology for the company: “Biomethane, which is derived from bio‐digestion of certain biomasses, represents further opportunities in the field of alternative fuel, offering a high level of efficiency in terms of sustainability without requiring changes to the distribution network or the natural gas vehicles already commercialised today.”
In 2006, New Holland Agriculture launched the Clean Energy Leader™ strategy in order to research viable alternatives to diesel such as Biodiesel, Bioethanol and Biomass. In addition to researching practical renewable fuels, New Holland Agriculture is focusing on developing the concept of the Energy Independent Farm, where agricultural waste is recycled to contribute to the production of alternative fuel for the machinery and vehicles which operate on the fields.
Further to New Holland Agriculture, Mr. Lambro discussed CNH Industrial’s leadership in natural gas and biomethane technology to improve air quality in urban areas and CO2 emissions levels of alternative fuel road transport through its brands FPT industrial (powertrain technology), Iveco (commercial vehicles) and Iveco Bus (buses and coaches): “Before (food) gets to our tables for consumption, products must be transported there. Sustainability in the transport sector means decreasing: dependence on oil, polluting emissions and greenhouse gases that are derived from traditional fuels and supporting the diffusion of alternative fuels that are already available today.”
CNH industrial is a Global Partner of Expo Milano 2015. It is present at the universal event through its brands New Holland Agriculture, the only agricultural machinery brand to host its own pavilion, “The Sustainable Farm Pavilion” on the grounds, FPT Industrial, Iveco and Iveco Bus who are providing engines and vehicles throughout the course of the event which concludes at the end of October 2015.
London, June 5, 2015