Professionals from technology companies such as Google, Dassault Systèmes, Reply, Regola and SEAC02 were invited for an event on the topic of Augmented Reality and Image Recognition at CNH Industrial Village, the company’s European showroom and multipurpose centre. The event gave company employees the opportunity to learn more about these emerging technologies and test out new tools.
CNH Industrial N.V. (NYSE: CNHI / MI: CNHI) hosted experts in the field of Augmented Reality and Image Recognition at an event held on 11 December at CNH Industrial Village, the company’s European showroom and multipurpose centre, located in Turin, Italy. This was the latest technology-based workshop to be organised by CNH Industrial Information and Communication Technology and Parts & Service. It built upon the success of an Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing) workshop held last month in the same location. The aim of these initiatives is to keep the company up to date with the latest developments in the field of technology and to further its understanding of the opportunities they offer to improve and change processes, support and efficiency.
The event’s discussions focused on the potential prospects that the emerging technologies of Augmented Reality and Image Recognition can generate for the capital goods industry. Topics included the implementation of Augmented Reality for Innovation, Assembly Operations, Warehousing and Advanced Diagnostics. Wearable technology as well as mobile, gesture control and speech recognition devices were also made available for participants to experiment with. CNH Industrial took the opportunity to address how it is currently testing Augmented Reality and Image Recognition through its various businesses. To date, the company has found that by applying these technologies, multifold advantages emerge along the entire value chain from Research & Development to Manufacturing, Aftersales Services and Quality Product Support. These technologies have numerous potential advantages: designs can be validated for their feasible “manufacturability” in the earliest phases; numerous internal procedures (logistics and assembly for example) are accelerated, while still maintaining quality control and reducing error rates; and remote maintenance and diagnostics support is made more interactive, and thereby more effective than ever.
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), currently used by CNH Industrial, will boost and streamline operations. This technology is essentially an electronic label that uniquely identifies, stores, and describes multiple forms of information. This information can be read automatically avoiding manual handling across the entire supply chain. Company supplier WAY provided a demonstration of RFID during the event, showing how advances such as this represent future competitive value. Guests invited to attend and speak at the workshop included technology professionals from internet company Google; Dassault Systèmes, a software company specialising in the production of 3D design software, 3D digital mock-up and product lifecycle management solutions; virtual and augmented reality software and solutions provider SeaC02; Reply, a company providing digital consulting, digital services and system Integration services and Regola, a supplier of innovative software technology and cloud services, who piloted a solution for assembly support at CNH Industrial’s facilities located in San Mauro, Italy.
CNH Industrial has engaged Reply as its partner to produce a proof-of-concept (POC) to test how augmented reality can be applied at parts depots. Reply is working on a fully integrated solution which allows for the determination of physical location and the automatic updating of warehouse records. The objective of the POC is to demonstrate the potential of this technology for warehousing operations. The technologies involved are: Augmented Reality, transparent displays, smart webcams, wearable devices, and vision software.
Basildon, December 16, 2014