CASE Construction Equipment has released the next generation of its SiteWatch telematics platform with an all-new dashboard, more intuitive navigation and new overview sections that spotlight critical information without requiring the user to search extensively for the data. CASE SiteWatch comes standard for three years on all CASE heavy equipment with ProCare, standard on all CASE backhoes, and is available as an option throughout the entire CASE equipment line.
SiteWatch complies with the Association of Equipment Management Professionals (AEMP) 2.0 telematics standard, ensuring that the solution is compatible with mixed fleets.
“Telematics data from construction equipment only helps if it’s easy to engage with and easy to understand when it’s presented to you,” says Richie Snyder, product marketing manager for construction equipment digital and precision solutions and telematics, CASE. “The new CASE SiteWatch telematics platform presents users with a high level of critical data on a very clear and intuitive dashboard, and then puts all critical machine and performance data within just a click or two, whether you’re at your desk or on your tablet in the field.”
The new dashboard features an easy-to-read horizontal menu at the top of the screen above five widgets that focus on core operating information such as an equipment summary, equipment search, fuel level reports and alarm status. An easy dropdown menu makes critical reports on factors such as equipment utilization, fuel consumption and maintenance just a click away, and topline menu buttons take users immediately to fleet and maintenance overviews. Additional reports highlighting specific alerts and fault codes are also available.
CASE is easing the transition for longtime users by making it possible to switch from the new SiteWatch interface to the previous version for a limited time with a dedicated icon in the upper right corner of the program.
SiteWatch helps fleets of all sizes work more efficiently in many ways, including:
- Simplified fleet management: Always know where each machine is, what its working status is and if maintenance or service is required.
- Understanding equipment utilization: Your foreman on one job tells you that he needs to rent a mini excavator, but maybe you have a mini excavator on another job that’s not being used? Knowing when and how equipment is being used can improve profitability/total cost of ownership for the equipment you already own, and help you make smarter equipment buying/renting decisions.
- Analyzing workload and productivity: Telematics gives fleet managers and business owners excellent perspective into how equipment is operating, and whether they are getting the most out of their equipment and crew on each project.
- Real-time alerts/alarms: Time for an oil change? Engine temps running outside of the preferred operating range? Did a machine move outside of a geofence on a Sunday? Fleet managers and business owners receive alerts in real time to make them aware of machine conditions that require attention.
- Partner with dealer on preventive maintenance: As the equipment owner, we believe that you own your data — you can, however, grant your local CASE dealer access to your telematics data to more proactively partner with you on preventive maintenance and other service items, such as planned maintenance scheduling, or monitoring machine parameters and identifying issues that may need addressing.
- Improved billing and estimating: SiteWatch provides users with an accurate historical view into the amount of time/hours each machine is used on each job, which can proactively help you bid and estimate jobs more accurately, and retroactively assist in billing.
- Improve record keeping and analysis: Whether it replaces the old service whiteboard in the shop or simply gives you new perspective into how your equipment is used every day, the reporting menu in SiteWatch presents users with data in a way that is intuitive and brings actionable data to the forefront for more intelligent business decision making and management.
- Locate equipment: Not sure which crew has a skid steer, or which jobsite the wheel loader is on? SiteWatch will tell you.
- Prevent unauthorized use: The unauthorized use of construction equipment opens its owners up to liability, not to mention the added wear and tear that unauthorized use puts on a machine. Whether geofenced with alerts, or simply identified through retrospective reporting, SiteWatch identifies and alerts equipment owners to the unauthorized use of valuable assets.
- Equipment security: Telematics helps locate stolen equipment — which, if recovered and returned by the authorities, is much less expensive than the resulting downtime and replacement costs.
These are just a few ways that the new SiteWatch telematics platform from CASE helps improve your equipment operations. Contact your local CASE dealer for more details, or visit for more information.