Fowler Construction recently added two PT240 pneumatic tire rollers to its asphalt paving fleet. The PT240 allowed two primary advantages for one of Ontario’s busiest asphalt paving companies: The machine allowed for a customized tire heating system to improve operation in the cooler conditions found in Canada; and the ability to ballast the roller with an additional 24,000 kg in weight helps the company achieve final compaction with the PT240 and only one other steel drum roller in many applications.
“When we looked at the CASE PT240s, I liked the way they were built, the cabs, the wheel configurations, so we took two of them on,” says Genders. “I adapted skirting around the tires to hold the heat in because up here it's cool and we lose heat off our tires and we'll pick asphalt up, so we designed the skirting system and then we put infrared heaters at the back lower sides of the tires. There are two heaters at each end of the tub. The heat rises up through the tires, it warms them. It works very well because I can warm them in the morning and once I get on the road and I'm rolling asphalt, I can shut them off.”
Genders keeps his PT240s ballasted at full-weight at all times in order improve compaction and simplify the required equipment outlay on site.
“A lot of companies run one or two steel drums and two rubber tired rollers. When we're doing a paving spread, we run one steel drum and one rubber tire and we achieve quality compaction of the asphalt,” says Genders. “They're ballasted right to the top. The other thing that the CASE PT240 helps with, is the tires themselves are a little bit narrower so your footprint is heavier and they roll out really well. I've noticed that they knead the road surface, keeping it nice and smooth and everything filled in, and we achieve quality compaction with fewer passes. That's just like cycle time with loaders—if I have to go up and down the road six times to get compaction but I can do it in four or three, it saves me money.”
The CASE PT240s replaced competitive machines in the Fowler fleet, and Genders has noticed several ways that they continue to out-perform the previous machines.
“The tires, the smoothness of the roller. A lot of rubber tire roller manufacturers get what they call ‘bounce.’ The rollers will be going a specific speed down the road, rolling the asphalt, and they'll get bouncing. That creates marks in your asphalt. The CASE rollers, we haven't had any issue with them bouncing. They're running smooth, back and forth, all day long. A lot of manufacturers are going to a shorter roller, the hydrostatic transmissions, and everything plays a part, the air pressure, and they get bouncing. Then when you get soft asphalt, bouncing is not good. I have to say the CASE rollers have really been good that way.”