CASE Construction Equipment and CNH Industrial donated the use of a skid steer to the 9th Annual Victory Garden Blitz, located in the Greater Milwaukee area. This year, over 300 volunteers installed 514 gardens – achieving a grand total of more than 3,500 gardens for communities throughout Milwaukee since the project’s inception.
Beginning with a group of friends in 2009—who installed 35 raised-bed gardens in a single day—Victory Garden Initiative’s mission focuses on empowering communities to grow their own food and re-establish the relationship between human and food ecology. In 2016, the Initiative built a record-breaking 555 gardens in fifteen days.
CASE and CNH Industrial are one of many partners of the Victory Garden BLITZ. In addition to financial sponsorship of the Initiative, the manufacturer donated the use of an SV300 skid steer for the event.
“The nation’s largest garden building event is a huge community effort,” says Eric Anderson, Victory Garden Initiative Community Events Coordinator. “All of the BLITZ volunteers wouldn’t be able to install over 500 gardens in such little time without the skid steer CASE and CNH Industrial provided.”
"Giving back to our communities by way of promoting sustainable farming and local infrastructure improvement is important to CASE Construction and CNH Industrial as a whole," says Athena Campos, senior director - marketing, CASE Construction Equipment. "The Victory Garden Initiative brings people closer together by helping the community grow its own food and reinforces our focus on sustainability.”
Subsidized gardens are made possible with a $160 donation or sponsorship. Each raised bed garden is 4 by 8 feet and includes a full installation, new soil from local composters, and seeds to begin growing.
For more information about the Victory Garden BLITZ, go to
For additional information about CASE Construction Equipment, visit
Racine, Wis., July 24, 2017