Comprehensive access to various innovative precision farming solutions. Decisive step in the transition from precision guidance to a full range of precision solutions and connected services. Initial offering of five key products. Productivity and efficiency gains throughout the cropping cycle.
With AGXTEND, STEYR provides the brand’s customers with innovative and user-friendly access to a range of latest dynamic precision farming tools. With the SoilXplorer soil sensor or mapper, the NIRXact crop/slurry sensor, the CropXplorer crop biomass sensor, the Xpower electrical weed control, and the FarmXtend IoT sensor environment, the initial offering will include five new high precision solutions. These innovative management tools complement the range of STEYR’s S-Tech precision agriculture technologies and allow further productivity and efficiency increases throughout the entire cropping cycle, thus also delivering clear sustainability gains.
AGXTEND makes optimum use of a range of precision farming technologies and Isobus solutions. The new system’s abilities by far exceed the former focus of S-Tech on precision guidance solutions as they encompass a broad range of management tools and solutions along with connected services.
Knowledge-based decisions
SoilXplorer: The contactless soil sensor of the new SoilXplorer measures soil conductivity at four different depths down to a maximum of 115cm. The sensor determines and records soil heterogeneity, soil types and relative water content and generates respective soil maps. At the same time, presence and depth of compacted areas are determined. This allows switching from uniformly deep tillage operations to a sub-site-specific depth variation which leads to clear savings in terms of fuel, time and wear.
SoilXplorer: The contactless soil sensor of the new SoilXplorer measures soil conductivity at four different depths down to a maximum of 115cm. The sensor determines and records soil heterogeneity, soil types and relative water content and generates respective soil maps. At the same time, presence and depth of compacted areas are determined. This allows switching from uniformly deep tillage operations to a sub-site-specific depth variation which leads to clear savings in terms of fuel, time and wear.
NIRXact crop/slurry sensor: Based on near-infrared technology, the use of this sensor on a slurry tanker or manure spreader can allow farmers and contractors to monitor and adjust the amount of nitrogen that is applied to a given field, thereby protecting the environment whilst reducing slurry transport cost at the same time. Equally, farmers can adjust cattle feed rations for dairy and beef animals based on these measurements whilst contractors can measure and charge their services based on tonnes harvested.
CropXplorer crop biomass sensor: Two highly accurate optical sensors designed for front-mounting on a tractor measure the crop biomass in the field. Based on these measurements and algorithm calculations, required nitrogen rates can instantly be determined and applied via Isobus by the spreader mounted in the rear of the tractor. It is possible to run ISO and non ISO protocells. The easy to set up and use system also includes a Map + Overly mode which allows yield potential maps to be used in combination with the factual sensor measurements.
Considering the environment
Xpower electrical weed control: The innovative Xpower electrical weed control allows replacing chemical measures by a non-chemical alternative. The system effectively destroys the weeds down to the roots via direct plant contact and can also be used for pre-harvest desiccation. Effects become visible within a few hours. The working width of available application booms varies between 1.2 and 3 metres.
Xpower electrical weed control: The innovative Xpower electrical weed control allows replacing chemical measures by a non-chemical alternative. The system effectively destroys the weeds down to the roots via direct plant contact and can also be used for pre-harvest desiccation. Effects become visible within a few hours. The working width of available application booms varies between 1.2 and 3 metres.
FarmXtend IoT sensors: with a complete set of connected in-field sensors, farmers are able to monitor in-field weather data and make targeted decisions on activities such as the application of crop protection products. With the WeatherXact connected weather station, the rain gauge RainXact and SoilXact, the system provides comprehensive data on temperature and humidity at 1 metre above ground and at crop level, precipitation, as well as soil moisture and temperature at different depths. Other than comparable systems, the FarmXtend app uses data on temperature and moisture and powerful algorithms to determine disease pressures for a variety of crops, thus allowing farmers to identify optimum times for the application of crop protection products.
“We deliberately chose breakthrough technologies and dynamic precision farming solutions from strategic partner companies to make AGXTEND a highly efficient management tool far beyond precision guidance. The new five products available at launch each are designed to aid decision making, improve the accuracy of resources used such as fuel, nutrients, crop protection products, and time, whilst making the most of measured data. And we are happy to announce that all five new S-Tech products are available at STEYR dealers with immediate effect”, highlights Maxime Rocaboy, at STEYR responsible for S-Tech.
St. Valentin, 3 December 2018