- Efficient, integrated design for operational simplicity
- Up to 15% higher harvesting capacity whilst reducing fuel consumption by up to 15%
- Extended harvesting window
- Higher quality straw for baling and lower operating and maintenance costs
- The agronomic advantage: improved soil structure and reduced soil compaction
- Ease of operation: transport friendly design
New Holland will unveil the Dual Stream header concept at the Agritechnica trade fair in Hannover, Germany, and this concept has already scooped a gold medal for innovation from the Agribex jury. Modern high capacity combines require efficient headers to unlock their full potential. The Dual Stream concept, when fitted to high capacity or Varifeed™ headers, can boost overall capacity by up to 15%, whilst reducing fuel consumption by up to 15%.
“Today’s agribusinesses are looking for ever more capacity and even cleaner grain samples; this is why we have developed the Dual Stream header concept.” Stated Hedley Cooper, Head of Harvester Product Management. “This system delivers higher capacity harvesting whilst lowering fuel consumption. It will also play a key role in the conservation agriculture pillar of the Clean Energy Leader strategy, as it actively improves soil-structure and assists no-till farming practices.”
Efficient, integrated design for operational simplicity
The Dual Stream system fits directly onto 25ft and 30ft high capacity and Varifeed™ headers. The standard header continues to cut the upper section of the crop, and the second bank of self-sharpening knives are set at normal stubble height, to cut the intermediate ‘double stubble’ section. This chopped material is then uniformly spread across the entire cutting width of even the largest headers.
A five section roller sits behind the knives and actively pushes both the ‘double stubble’ and the remaining stalks into the ground. The entire unit can be hydraulically lifted, up to a maximum of 700mm, from the comfort of the cab to speed-up end of row turns.
Up to 15% higher harvesting capacity whilst reducing fuel consumption by up to 15%
Field tests have shown that Dual Stream technology can improve overall combine capacity by up to 15%. This is because only the top section of the crop enters the combine, which means there is less straw and material other than grain for the cleaning and threshing systems to process for enhanced overall efficiency.
Moreover, as less material enters the combine, larger headers can be used and harvesting speeds can be increased. This results in reduced harvesting time, so more crop is harvested at optimal ripeness and labour costs are also lower.
Grain losses have been further reduced as only the top, drier section of the crop is harvested, and less ‘green’ straw enters the combine, lowering both straw walker and cleaning losses.
Fuel is one of the largest costs for any combine operation. As the Dual Stream header can reduce fuel consumption by up to 15%, it will contribute to significantly enhanced profitability. As less material enters the combine, the threshing system is more efficient so requires less power to function. The combine itself processes less straw and therefore also has a lower power requirement. The second bank of knives needs a mere 3hp, which barely impacts on fuel consumption.
Extended harvesting window
The Dual Stream header enables operations to extend the viable harvesting window. As only the drier portion of the crop is threshed, operations can start harvesting earlier in the morning and continue later into the night as the wetter part of the crop is processed as ‘double stubble’ and never enters the machine.
Higher quality straw for baling and lower operating and maintenance costs
A drier crop means the time required for drying the straw after combining and before baling has been reduced. This will be particularly beneficial to operations which work in areas of unpredictable weather. Moreover, cleaner bales are produced, as the lower section of crop, which sometimes becomes contaminated with dirt, remains in the field. This also helps extend the life of the combine, as potentially damaging stones and soil do not enter the machine.
The agronomic advantage: improved soil structure and reduced soil compaction
The Dual Stream header uniformly distributes ‘double stubble’ across the entire width of the header. This is then actively pushed into the ground by the integrated roller which speeds up the residue decomposition process. Even when straw is baled, up to 15% of straw remains in the field, and this straw contains relatively high quantities of potassium and phosphorus. These two elements are essential for crop growth, and this also reduces the need for expensive fertilisers. Furthermore, the inclusion of organic matter in the soil improves its structure and also helps prevent wind erosion. As the roller carries out an initial pre-cultivation, this facilitates no-tillage operations.
Ease of operation: transport friendly design
The Dual Stream Header has been designed with transport intensive operations in mind, and the entire header can be loaded and transported simply and easily on a double steered axle trailer.
12 November 2013