The New Holland RTK network is currently integrating corrections for Galileo satellites to the RTK correction service. This will lead to a higher number of available satellites when using New Holland RTK corrections and make the service even more robust – especially under challenging circumstances such as working under trees, in forestry or in orchards.
Until now, farmers have had to depend on non-civilian American GPS or Russian GLONASS signals when driving in the field. To give farmers a new, reliable alternative that, unlike these other programmes, remains under civilian control, the New Holland RTK network is now integrating Galileo to the GNSS constellation. The RTK corrections for Galileo are currently being tested and validated and will be available in the first markets from January 2019 onwards.
Galileo is a follow-up and extension to the EGNOS service, providing improved positioning and timing information with significant positive implications for many European farmers.
Galileo is positioned to enhance the coverage currently available – making farmers benefit from an improved monitoring of the distribution and dilution of chemicals, improved parcel yield thanks to customised treatment, and more efficient property management.
Besides this, the addition of Galileo to the global GNSS constellation helps minimise the risk of signal failure, which is one of the major reasons why the New Holland RTK network is integrating corrections for Galileo satellites.
European independence is a principal objective of the programme, however, the programme is also designed to be compatible with the existing and planned GNSS and interoperable with GPS and GLONASS.
The use of GNSS technology incorporated in modern farming is opening up new business models and opportunities in the agricultural sector, providing farmers with an unprecedented level of knowledge about their crops, livestock and operations while making the sector more efficient, economic competitive and environmentally sustainable. Today it is paramount that farmers are innovative and competitive developing a sustainable agriculture in order to feed an ever-increasing world population while respecting the environment and the climate changes commitments.