- Harvest Demonstration Tour visiting 18 locations across the UK in July, August and September
- Tour to showcase ‘innovation in action’ with first public demonstrations of new Dual Stream Header and New Holland combines
New Holland has announced the dates for its UK-wide Harvest Demonstration tour which will visit 18 locations between 27th July and 3rd September.
The tour will showcase ‘innovation in action’ with the first public demonstrations of its new Dual Stream Header, which recently won a Gold medal for innovation at the 2015 IMMA Awards.
New Holland’s innovative Dual Stream Header offers increased harvesting capacity and reduced fuel consumption, with the system using a second bank of self-sharpening knives to reduce the quantity of straw going through the combine.
The CX Flagship combines are powered by engines that deliver exceptional performance characteristics for harvesting. High levels of grain handling efficiency and a grain tank capacity of up to 11,500 litres make CX combines a powerul harvest partner.
The CR range – featuring some of the world’s highest capacity combines – will also be in action at some of the tour locations. The range brings together a powerful efficient engine with advanced harvesting technology, including IntelliSteer® auto guidance to deliver even greater efficiency and Twin Rotor™ technology to ensure unsurpassed grain and straw quality.
Other New Holland combine models from the host dealers will be demonstrated at each location.
New Holland has a pedigree of harvesting innovation. This year it celebrates 40 years since it introduced its revolutionary Twin Rotor™ technology, which set a new standard for grain and straw quality. This pure rotary bloodline continues today in the latest generation of CR combines.
James Ashworth, New Holland’s Marketing Manager, says: “The UK-wide Harvest Demonstration Tour will be a great opportunity for people to view our combines in action and the new Dual Stream Header. This offers a fantastic opportunity for prospective customers to assess the potential of this machinery, with our combines working on-farm, and harvesting commercial crops.”
James continues: “This year’s tour is all about ‘innovation in action’. Every single one of our new combines has innovation at the heart of its design, whether it’s greater fuel efficiency, increased grain handling capacity, or more efficient cutting and straw management. New Holland pioneered twin rotating drum technology 40 years ago, and we’re proud that our harvesting innovation heritage continues with the modern range of combines you see today.”
The Harvest Demonstration Tour follows the success of the 2014 tour and this year’s showcases more New Holland combines and visits more locations across the UK.