The Company, supported by its brands and the significant contribution of its employees, is once again supporting the fundraising initiative organized by the Telethon Foundation. In total, CNH Industrial plans to donate more than 200,000 euros to fund research into rare genetic disorders.
For the fourth consecutive year, CNH Industrial (NYSE: CNHI / MI: CNHI) is contributing to a fundraising campaign for Telethon, the Foundation that promotes and supports scientific research into treatments for rare genetic disorders. The Company will be taking part in the 2017 Telethon through the initiatives of its IVECO, CASE Construction Equipment and FPT Industrial brands, while also making a direct contribution thanks to an unprecedented level of support from its employees.
For this year’s fundraiser, IVECO is auctioning the new Daily Blue Power Hi-Matic Natural Power, recently voted “International Van of the Year 2018” and the high-end representative of the new sustainable Blue Power family, in a special Telethon and “l’Italia che vince” livery. FPT Industrial will be contributing by auctioning a 125 kVA Genset powered by an NEF 67 engine also in special Telethon livery. CASE will make a direct donation to the fundraiser. The auctions will close on Saturday 23 December during the RAI TV programme, when the winning bids will be revealed.
CNH Industrial's employees have contributed actively to the Company's initiatives throughout the year. Since April, across the main Italian sites the Company has promoted the sale of “Cuori di biscotto”, special heart-shaped biscuits made by Biscottificio Grondona of Genoa for the Telethon Foundation. In December, all Italian sites hosted sales of “Cuori di cioccolato”, heart-shaped chocolates made by Caffarel for Telethon and bearing the message “Io sostengo la ricerca con tutto il cuore” (I support research with all my heart). In both cases, all takings have been donated to the Foundation.
In addition, CNH Industrial has directly organized several initiatives for the public and in collaboration with other organisations. In May, the Company sponsored the “Partita del Cuore” soccer match between artists and sports personalities representing the “Research Champions” team and the music industry stars in the “Italian Singers” team. In September, as school was starting, CNH Industrial contributed to the #Andarelontano campaign with a donation to support children with rare genetic disorders for each child of its Italian employees embarking on his or her first year of primary school. Finally, on 19 December the Company held the official gala evening at the CNH Industrial Village in Turin, a charity event once again aimed at raising funds for Telethon.
All these initiatives, which were only possible thanks to the direct involvement of CNH Industrial employees, resulted in the collection of approximately 80,000 euros. This amount will be boosted by the proceeds of the IVECO Daily Blue Power Hi-Matic Natural Power and FPT Industrial genset auctions and the donation made by CASE, to reach a projected total in excess of 200,000 euros: CNH Industrial's contribution to the Telethon research staff who work tirelessly day after day with passion and dedication to prevail in the fight against rare genetic disorders.
London, December 21, 2017