IVECO participated in the inauguration of the G7allery exhibition, which preceded the G7 Transport Ministers Meeting in Cagliari, presenting its vision of the future of freight transport based on increasingly sustainable solutions.
IVECO, the only manufacturer to offer the full range of vehicles powered by natural gas, exhibited a Stralis NP powered with liquefied natural gas (LNG).
On Tuesday, June 20th, IVECO took part in the inauguration of the G7allery, an exhibition devoted to innovation that presents the best projects on sustainability applied to the world of infrastructure and transport. The G7 Transport's opening event was promoted by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport with the call for practice "Nice to meet you G7", which has collected over 400 best practices, seven of which were exhibited during the event.
IVECO presented its vision of the future of transport together with representatives from the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport and major institutional and private stakeholders. The presence at the event of a Stralis NP powered by liquefied natural gas (LNG) is testament to IVECO's commitment to the development of alternative fuels and transport technologies to optimize fuel consumption. Stralis NP is designed for long-distance haulage and offers up to 1,500 km of autonomy. It can reduce NOx emissions by 32%, PM by 99% and CO2 by up to 95% when using biomethane.
Michele Ziosi, Head of Institutional Relations EMEA and APAC at CNH Industrial, explained IVECO’s standpoint in the presence of the participating institutions of: "The future of the world of transport lies in the development of natural gas. IVECO has always been the forerunner in methane technology and has been the European leader of alternative traction vehicles for decades. The development of new sustainable solutions, such as those for autonomous driving and platooning, are further pillars of future transport sustainability."
IVECO is the only manufacturer that offers a full range of natural gas models, from light commercial vehicles to heavy-duty long-haul trucks, as well as buses. The brand was the first manufacturer in the world of commercial transport to understand the potential of natural gas. It anticipated some of the most important recommendations of the last G20 Energy Ministerial Meeting 2016 in Beijing, which recognized that natural gas can be a less emission-intensive fossil fuel, and that it can play an important and effective role in moving towards a low greenhouse gas emission energy future. IVECO also anticipated the European Union Communication “Strategy for low-emissions mobility” published last year, which stated that Liquefied natural gas for heavy duty vehicles is strategic for Europe. It also provides a solution to most of the issues we face today: local air quality with its extra-low NOx and PM emissions, and noise. In addition, the Directive on Alternative Fuel Infrastructure (DAFI) (April 2014) foresaw the build-up of infrastructures for alternative fuels/tractions across Europe and the development of common technological specifications, which included those for CNG and LNG refueling points.
In preparation for the G7 Transport, a meeting of experts in the transport and logistics sector – promoted by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport – was held in Rome on 12th June. The discussions touched on topics related to environmental, economic and social sustainability, telematics applied to transport and “smart roads” for vehicle connectivity, and mobility of the future. Minister Delrio closed the discussion and, after the meeting, he boarded a Stralis NP, a virtuous example of environmental and economic sustainability that is already available today.
Cagliari, 21 June 2017