On August 11, CNH Industrial was joined by guests of honour from the worlds of politics and business for the ground-breaking ceremony for its new service and competence centre in Hörsching, near Linz in Upper Austria. On a 20,000 m² plot, a new office building that will be the customer service centre for three CNH Industrial brands – Iveco, Magirus Lohr and Case Construction Equipment – is now under construction. It is due to be completed at the end of May 2016, representing an investment of ten million euros.
"We have lift-off!", declared Andreas Klauser, Brand President of Case IH and Steyr and Chairman of the Iveco Magirus supervisory board, who, together with Karl-Martin Studener and Martin Stranzl Chairmen of Iveco Austria, Case Construction Equipment Austria’s Chairman Othmar Mitterlehner and Richard Reder Chairman of Magirus Lohr Austria, hosted the ground breaking ceremony. "The competence centre in Hörsching will be the new focal point for high-quality service in Upper Austria." said Mr. Klauser. Deputy Provincial Governor Franz Hiesl and Gunter Kastler, the Mayor of Hörsching, joined in the ground breaking ceremony, symbolically starting the building works in preparation for a successful future.
In building the new service and competence centre, regional value creation is very much a priority. "We made the conscious choice of selecting partners and suppliers for the new site from the region itself. Felbermayr from Wels will be the general managing contractor." explained Mr. Klauser. Jobs will be created in the region both during the construction phase and once the facility opens. From early 2016 onwards, CNH Industrial and its brands will have a total of 60 staff, including 10 trainees in Hörsching.
Central Upper Austria accounts for some 20 percent of the Austrian commercial vehicle market, making it the ideal location for this facility. Hörsching will become the centre of Iveco’s commercial vehicle and bus sales in Upper Austria, alongside those of firefighting equipment from Magirus Lohr and Case Construction Equipment machinery.
St. Valentin, August 13, 2015