CNH Industrial today renewed the company-specific collective labor agreement (“Contratto Collettivo Specifico di Lavoro”, or CCSL), which expired on 31 December last year, with the Italian trade unions FIM-CISL, UILM-UIL, FISMIC, UGL Metalmeccanici and AQCF-R. The agreement is valid for the four-year period 2019-2022 and applies to all of the Group’s Italian workforce, which numbers over 17,000 employees.
The agreement provides for a 2% increase in contractual remuneration for each year, as well as improvements to the bonus system linked to WCM-related efficiency objectives, further promoting the contribution and engagement of employees.
Another important feature of the agreement is the improvement of the corporate welfare system, with an increase in the contribution paid by the Company for the supplementary pension scheme in 2019 and for all supplementary healthcare plans in 2020.
The agreement also includes a simplified pay grading system.
In light of the positive experience of past years, it was agreed to strengthen the system of trade union relations through the expansion of the areas of responsibility and improvement of the functioning of the committees — a tangible example of the participatory system that all the parties intend to adhere to — and, furthermore, to reinforce the parties’ mutual commitment to fully abide by the agreed rules.
The renewal of the agreement, following negotiations that reconciled and fulfilled the needs of all parties, is particularly important in relation to meeting future challenges, which will require all stakeholders to work together in order to ensure the continued success of the Company.
London, 11 March 2019