CNH Industrial communicated today the salary bonus values for the Company’s Italian employees, payable in the forthcoming February pay slips, to the Italian Union Organizations. The bonus is related to productivity and efficiency gains achieved, as covered in the specific Collective Labor agreement (“Contratto collettivo specifico di lavoro”, or CCSL) applicable to all CNH Industrial employees in Italy.
As defined by the CCSL, results vary depending on the performance achieved by each separate production unit, measured according to the WCM (World Class Manufacturing) system.
In 2020 four CNH Industrial production sites in Italy involved in the WCM program have reached or exceeded the minimum level of efficiency gains, which warrants the bonus payment: they are Brescia Mezzi Speciali (firefighting vehicles), Foggia (engines), Lecce (construction equipment) and Piacenza (specialty vehicles). The average of the productivity and efficiency gains of all CNH Industrial plants in Italy did not reach the minimum contractual threshold for triggering the WCM bonus payment to Italian employees not linked to production sites.
London, February 8 2020