Case IH, a global agricultural equipment brand of CNH Industrial N.V. (NYSE: CNHI / MI: CNHI), took part in the workshop on digitalization European agriculture organized by EURACTIV, held on December 5 in Brussels, Belgium. EURACTIV is a leading independent media network specialized in European policies. The meeting hosted key representatives from European Union institutions and other important stakeholders to debate the challenges and opportunities concerning the future of agriculture.
The workshop aimed to provide a clear definition of “Farming 4.0”, the current digital era in agriculture, following those of mechanization, green revolution and precision farming. Participants discussed how to overcome the barriers in adopting the latest technologies and how farm machinery manufacturers can help in the digitalization of European agriculture.
Thierry Panadero, Vice President Case IH, Europe, Middle-East and Africa, explained how digital farming represents the natural development of precision farming. Panadero highlighted that “while precision farming has enabled farmers to gather data more easily, digital farming is now allowing them to develop the application of that data. As a consequence, it makes their businesses, and the whole industry of farming and food production, more targeted and efficient.”
Case IH is actively engaged in dialoguing with the European institutional stakeholders and associations with regards to the promotion of digital farming, by striving to anticipate such technological changes, providing the means to reach four fundamental goals: being sustainable, efficient, socially responsible and secure. “Case IH – Panadero confirmed – can help farmers to farm more sustainably through systems such as AccuTurn, which automates headland turns and so minimizes trafficked soil areas. The same systems increase efficiency, through a more precise use of the data gathered by our Advanced Farming System, precision farming, terminals, helping plan in-field tasks and record yields. They can even help farming become more environmentally responsible, through the use of our satellite correction signal with pass-to-pass accuracy of 2.5cm, to eliminate overlaps and therefore reducing application of fertilizer, seeds and other inputs. And they can ensure security of data, which remains a key requirement for everyone in the industry”.
Case IH and the Advanced Farming Systems product range are already a leading player in Agriculture 4.0. Furthermore, the brand is also at the forefront of autonomy, a future step in terms of agricultural innovation. In 2016 Case IH launched an autonomous concept tractor, a fully automated version of the Magnum model, able to work around the clock and which can be remotely monitored and controlled.
London, December 5, 2017