Pierre Lahutte, President of Iveco, the company’s commercial vehicles brand, was a keynote speaker at the opening of the Gas Visually exhibition being held at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France.
CNH Industrial N.V. (NYSE: CNHI / MI: CNHI) illustrated its successes in the field of natural gas commercial vehicles before European Parliament members in Strasbourg, France. The company is the only representative from its industry to participate at Gas Visually, an exhibition taking place within the context of Gas Week 2014. The exhibition demonstrates the uses of gas across different sectors as well as the concrete benefits it offers to the European Union in terms of competitiveness, security of supply and reduced emissions.
Speaking on behalf of the company at yesterday’s inauguration was Pierre Lahutte, Iveco Brand President. In his keynote speech, Lahutte reiterated the importance of natural gas and the need to promote its wide-scale adoption in the transport sector: “Europe needs to provide stability and investor confidence for natural gas infrastructure and users of natural gas vehicles, in order to achieve its objectives. This was addressed during the recent G20 Summit in Brisbane with the approval of the ‘G20 Energy Efficiency Action Plan’, whose main objective is to develop a multilateral cooperation on energy efficiency. This confirms the will of the world’s most advanced economies to increase the supply and use of biofuels and natural gas as a strategic means to reducing the environmental impacts of heavy duty vehicles”.
CNH Industrial is the European leader in the field of natural gas technologies for engines and commercial vehicles. The company’s powertrain brand, FPT Industrial, is a global frontrunner in the development and production of natural gas engines for on and off-road vehicles as well as for marine and power generation applications. Thanks to FPT Industrial’s technology, fellow company brands Iveco and Iveco Bus both count a full range of natural gas vehicles amongst their product portfolios. Iveco offers a full product line-up of CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) and LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) commercial vehicles from light duty vans to medium and heavy duty trucks for every type of mission.
Iveco Bus offers natural gas urban buses in a series of different dimensions, counting public tender and private customers throughout Europe. Collectively, Iveco and Iveco Bus have sold over 12,000 natural gas commercial vehicles as of year-end 2013.
While these brands continue to see success in Europe, the company’s alternative fuel technology is also experiencing positive international growth in the public transport sector. In Beijing, China, FPT Industrial has been delivering environmentally friendly CNG engines to Beijing Public Transport Holdings Ltd (BPT) for more than ten years. In 2013, the brand supplied 350 Cursor 8 and 850 NEF 6 CNG engines to power a new fleet of 1,200 buses. Earlier this year, Baku, the capital city of Azerbaijan, signed an order with Iveco Bus for the supply of 151 Crealis CNG buses in the run-up to the Baku Pan-European Games.
In addition to CNG and LNG, CNH Industrial is also investing in the promotion of biomethane (biogas that is refined and adapted to automotive standards and that therefore can be distributed through the existing pipeline). Biomethane has the ability to meet the provisions set out in the EU Directive 2009/28/EC on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources. This Directive establishes a common framework for the use of energy from renewable sources in order to limit greenhouse gas emissions and to promote cleaner transport. To this end, national action plans are defined, as are procedures for the use of biofuels.
Basildon, November 26, 2014