Innovative Case IH AGXTEND precision farming technologies complement the company’s existing Advance Farming System (AFS) products / Extensive benchmarking ensures that solutions are market-leading / Five AGXTEND products available at launch include biomass sensor, soil mapping technology, electrical weed management system and near-infrared monitoring of harvested crops and smart field environment sensors.
The Case IH AGXTEND range of precision farming technologies provide access to new and exclusive solutions that enhance productivity and efficiency, delivering real-world benefits throughout the year.
Complementing Case IH’s existing Advanced Farming System (AFS) products, the launch of AGXTEND significantly expands the company’s precision agriculture offering and will eventually include a full range of precision solutions and connected services.
“The introduction of AGXTEND underlines our commitment to making it easier for customers to adopt and benefit from the latest, most innovative technologies,” said Maxime Rocaboy, Product Marketing Manager, Precision Farming Solutions, Case IH EMEA. “We have undertaken extensive industry benchmarking to ensure that the product range represents the very best available on the market. We at Case IH are committed to developing this range of products and services rapidly.”
Initially, Case IH is offering five AGXTEND products which cover a range of technologies. These are:
- A biomass sensing package which analyses actual plant condition to subsequently calibrate the application of fertiliser
- Real-time soil sensing systems which automatically adjust implement working depth parameters to deliver uniform tillage performance
- Highly accurate near infrared (NIR) and sensing systems providing real-time crop data to enable selection of the most efficient machine operating parameters
- Zero-chemical weed control, through the use of electro-herbicide technology
- A range of real- time weather sensors data to facilitate informed agronomic decision making.
Mounted on the tractor’s front linkage CropXplorer uses two highly-accurate optical sensors to measure crop biomass. The data which they collect is then processed, via algorithms, which calculate the crop’s actual nitrogen requirement and then automatically adjust the spreader on the tractor’s rear linkage so that it applies precisely the right amount. CropXplorer also includes a Map + Overlay mode, allowing yield potential maps to be used in combination with on-the-go sensor measurements.
Mounted on the tractor’s front linkage CropXplorer uses two highly-accurate optical sensors to measure crop biomass. The data which they collect is then processed, via algorithms, which calculate the crop’s actual nitrogen requirement and then automatically adjust the spreader on the tractor’s rear linkage so that it applies precisely the right amount. CropXplorer also includes a Map + Overlay mode, allowing yield potential maps to be used in combination with on-the-go sensor measurements.
Despite its advanced technology, CropXplorer is easy to set up and use. It can be mounted on a standard front three-point hitch or front weight frame and requires no calibration. Control is via a dedicated terminal which is compatible with ISOBUS fertiliser spreaders as well as most non-ISOBUS spreaders that are capable of variable rate application.
The SoilXplorer sensor or mapper consists of a contactless soil sensor which uses electromagnetism to measure soil conductivity at four different depths – 0-25cm, 15-60cm, 55-95cm, 85-115cm. The unit can be mounted on a tractor’s front linkage and has two key capabilities. It can be used for mapping fields, to record soil heterogeneity and to determine soil type maps and relative water content maps. Secondly, it provides information that determines the presence and depth of compacted areas, so variable depth soil cultivation can be practiced with compatible equipment. Working at full depth only where necessary saves fuel and wear metal, generating significant cost savings.
The SoilXplorer sensor or mapper consists of a contactless soil sensor which uses electromagnetism to measure soil conductivity at four different depths – 0-25cm, 15-60cm, 55-95cm, 85-115cm. The unit can be mounted on a tractor’s front linkage and has two key capabilities. It can be used for mapping fields, to record soil heterogeneity and to determine soil type maps and relative water content maps. Secondly, it provides information that determines the presence and depth of compacted areas, so variable depth soil cultivation can be practiced with compatible equipment. Working at full depth only where necessary saves fuel and wear metal, generating significant cost savings.
The NIRXact crop/slurry sensor can be mounted on combines and balers. The system uses near infra-red (NIR) technology to accurately measure yield, moisture and crop constituents, including ADF (acid detergent fibre), NDF (neutral detergent fibre), starch, ash and crude fat. This provides a range of benefits, for example allowing contractors to sell their services based on the number of tonnes harvested, and farmers to maximise the selling price of harvested grain or adjust nutrition for dairy and beef cattle.
The NIRXact crop/slurry sensor can be mounted on combines and balers. The system uses near infra-red (NIR) technology to accurately measure yield, moisture and crop constituents, including ADF (acid detergent fibre), NDF (neutral detergent fibre), starch, ash and crude fat. This provides a range of benefits, for example allowing contractors to sell their services based on the number of tonnes harvested, and farmers to maximise the selling price of harvested grain or adjust nutrition for dairy and beef cattle.
Used on a slurry tanker, the NIRXact sensor enables the amount of nitrogen applied to fields to be monitored and adjusted by varying the slurry application rate according to its constituent levels. This results in more accurate use of slurry for fertilising, enhanced environmental protection and reduced slurry transport costs.
Xpower, a unique system of controlling weeds using electricity, won Case IH the bronze medal in the 2019 SIMA Innovation Awards. This environmentally-friendly technology replaces chemicals with electricity for weed control and pre-harvest desiccation of crops. Highly-efficient, the system is capable of completely destroying the plant right down to the roots and works via direct contact, with the effects visible in just a few hours. Application booms with working widths from 1.2 to 3m are available.
The FarmXtend app, a smart weather application which works with a complete set of connected in-field sensors, allows farmers to monitor in-field weather data and supports their decision-making processes on activities such as spraying.
The FarmXtend app, a smart weather application which works with a complete set of connected in-field sensors, allows farmers to monitor in-field weather data and supports their decision-making processes on activities such as spraying.
The weather sensors include the WeatherXact connected weather station, which senses temperature and humidity at 1.0m above ground and at crop level, together with the RainXact connected rain gauge and SoilXact, which records soil moisture and temperature at different depths.
The FarmXtend App differs from other systems in its use of powerful algorithms to determine disease pressure, based on temperature and humidity, for a variety of crops, and thereby identify the optimum spray application times.
St Valentin, 3 December 2018