Case IH has expanded its range of innovations in Advanced Farming Systems for all of its tractors and harvesting machines. These include new correction data and a new service which extends conventional RTK positioning data for several minutes if the RTK correction data stream should become temporarily unavailable. This greatly improves the functional reliability and performance of auto-guidance systems.
Case IH RangePoint RTX
RangePoint RTX is a new correction system for Case IH tractors and combines a maximum pass-on-pass deviation of just 15cm and a repeat accuracy of 50cm. As a result, this correction signal is ideal at cost-effective entry level for assisted steering and automatic guidance systems.
The RangePoint RTX signal utilises both GPS and GLONASS satellite signals which can be used with Case IH 372 receivers and FM750 or FM1000 monitors. A key advantage in the field is that full accuracy can be achieved in less than five minutes.
RangePoint RTX correction data is available via satellite throughout Europe and farmers also receive free-of-charge access to GLONASS satellite signals, which gives increased availability of satellites. If the correction signal is not available - due to shadowing, for example - AFS systems with RangePoint RTX continue to operate automatically for up to two minutes, ensuring that continuous operation is possible in the field. Special hardware, such as modems or new receivers, is not required.
Case IH is offering RangePoint RTX free-of-charge for the first year on equipment purchased between 1 January 2014 and 31 December 2014, making entry-level Precision Farming a great deal more attractive.
Case IH CenterPoint RTX
CenterPoint RTX is the 'big brother' of RangePoint RTX. Based on the same technology, known as absolute positioning, CenterPoint RTX increases positioning accuracy to less than 4cm.
This service is compatible with the new AFS372 receiver as well as FM750 and FM1000 monitors. CenterPoint RTX will also use GPS and GLONASS satellite signals. With an active CenterPoint RTX subscription a base station is not needed. Owners of compatible AFS receivers can easily make use of the new signal by updating their equipment and requesting an activation code from the Case IH dealer.
Case IH xFill
This new service for all Case IH Advanced Farming System (AFS) users makes RTK positioning data available for several minutes if the RTK correction signal is lost due to communications issues. This service is compatible with the new AFS372 receiver as well as FM750 and FM1000 monitors.
The new xFill function becomes available as soon as the RTK signal is lost. Because there are no delays, work can continue uninterrupted. In the field, xFill is ready for action immediately after the first start of RTK fixed and can bridge RTK signal loss for up to 20 minutes from the first second of signal failure. Work can therefore continue uninterrupted thanks to the seamless availability of positioning data. This means less downtime and considerably more productivity.
A software update of AFS monitors and receivers is required to make use of Case IH xFill.
January 2014