Two Case IH JX55T tractors and implements provided for Tana River Area project / Strong engagement of Case IH as “Partner for Food” of the German aid agency Welthungerhilfe / Donation goes hand in hand with stepping up Case IH presence in East Africa.
Ever since the starting signal given in Berlin in January this year, Case IH has taken the company’s engagement as “Partner for Food” of the German private aid agency Welthungerhilfe very seriously. Following a first financial contribution of 45,000 Euro at Green Week 2014, Case IH has now donated two JX55T tractors to the Tana River Area project of Welthungerhilfe in Kenya, East Africa. The donation was handed over to Florian Landorff from the aid agency during the launch event of the new partnership between Case IH and TTEA in Nairobi on 16th May.
High-ranking participants from politics, business and finance, as well as agriculture
The celebration of the new sales and service co-operation between TTEA and Case IH in Nairobi and the hand-over ceremony were attended by numerous high-ranking participants including Ms. Ann Onyango, Secretary of Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries.
“We have a vision of a sustainable, productive and prospering agriculture in East Africa in general and in Kenya in particular – a vision of prospering business with and for people. This has been one of the triggers for our recent engagement as “Partner for Food” of the German private aid agency Welthungerhilfe”, said Matthew Foster during the hand-over ceremony.
Case IH is stepping up presence in East Africa
“When learning about the Tana River Area project and a drought relief initiative of Welthungerhilfe, we decided to start our direct involvement right there. And – what could be more appropriate for Case IH as manufacturer of modern and productive agricultural machinery than getting involved with our own technology? This is why we are particularly pleased with the parallel launch of our co-operation with TTEA Ltd, a strong partner in East Africa. TTEA has a professional automotive value chain with extensive experience and logistics concepts and a broad distribution and service network for vehicles. That will be an excellent base for the distribution and service of Case IH machinery in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda as well. This network will ensure easy, quick and reliable access to all types of machinery and services needed by farmers across East Africa”, emphasised Foster.
Strengthening small-holders
“We donate these two Case IH JX55T tractors in the spirit of corporate social investment. These tractors will be deployed in projects which support small-holders, thus providing help for self-help, providing opportunities to increase productivity, food production, standards of living and family incomes. We believe that this donation will be yet another step towards our common vision of a growing and flourishing agriculture in Kenya”, said Matthew Foster.
St. Valentin, 10.06.2014