More than 12,000 visitors since its opening / “Birthplace” of modern tractors provides fascinating insights / New “Skywalk” will offer an industry unique perspective / Experience Center and Red Power Road sought-after for training and “hands-on experiences”
The European Headquarter of Case IH and Steyr in St. Valentin, Austria, is far more than a state-of-the-art factory for the renowned and sought after Steyr and Case IH tractors: It is a central meeting place of expertise for several branches within Case IH and Steyr, offering excellent opportunities for “hands-on experiences” and practical training. “More than 2,000 dealers and their employees have participated in trainings and instructional activities since the opening of our Experience Centre in October 2012, and well over 12,000 visitors have come to see the St. Valentin factory in 2013 alone”, says Gavin Enright, Manager of the Experience Centre.
The Case IH and Steyr site in St. Valentin receives and caters to customers and business partners from all across Europe, Africa and the Middle East. “In addition to general visitor groups, we also organise and host special events for local and international markets. To date successful events such as a Polish Puma Event, , an Eastern European Large Tractor show, French Customer Days, just to mention a few, have been well received and attended”, explains Enright.
Support from local strategic business partners
The city of St. Valentin, our local volunteer fire department, and the Steyr business class are only a few of the local organizations we have supported with our Experience Centre. “We are more than happy to have such a tight link with the community and with community authorities in St. Valentin”, says Gabriele Hammerschmid, Marketing Director Europe Case IH & Steyr. “With their support we can continue to invest and further develop St. Valentin along our planned path of excellence. In addition to the Experience Centre, this development includes the Red Power Road and a unique new highlight for visitors of the St. Valentin plant,” announces Hammerschmid.
Skywalk – the “bird’s eye view”
Already open, and towering above the cab assembly production hall, a unique new feature excites and fascinates our visitors: The St. Valentin Skywalk. “We continuously invest in our production. We use WCM – World Class Manufacturing – to improve ourselves day after day. We invest in training and education, but we also invest in our customers. The new Skywalk will offer our guests the opportunity to observe – from a safe distance and yet from literally ‘inside’ the assembly line”, Hammerschmid points out Case IH / STEYR have invested heavily in this particular feature of the St. Valentin factory tour, and we are sure that our visitors, customers and fans will be enthusiastic about the improvement. Surveys tell us that customers want to know how and where their machines are built, and that they want to witness our high standards of production. The Skywalk will provide them with just that”, Gabriele Hammerschmid concludes.
St. Valentin – a site for a broad and highly competent ‘brand family’!
Consisting of more than 2000 square metres, the Experience Centre in St. Valentin offers an auditorium, training facilities, meeting rooms and a large display area. “The range of products, events and services, however, goes far beyond the Steyr and Case IH tractor range”, explains Gavin Enright. “We host customer events for Magirus Lohr, show casing cutting edge fire-fighting expertise, we host IVECO trucks and utility vehicles, we welcome Jeep, Lancia and Fiat Automotive – and this list is not complete. Such diverse use of our Experience Centre offers excellent opportunities to demonstrate the broad range of competences, skills and technologies within Case IH and Steyr”, Enright emphasises.
“We have even included a permanent display of Magirus Lohr in the “show room” of our Experience Centre, highlighting yet another of our strengths: Listening to and providing solutions for the specific demands of individual customers”, says Enright with pride.
St. Valentin, 27.05.2014