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Case IH Ecolo-Tiger 875 tackles primary tillage from Kuban to Volga region

Release Date: 24 Aug 2020   |   Moscow, Russia
Сase IH Ecolo-Tiger 875

Case IH has launched a large-scale demo tour for farm owners and agricultural professionals in the Krasnodar, Belgorod, Saratov, Ulyanovsk Oblast and Nizhny Novgorod regions of Russia, showcasing the advantages of the Case IH Ecolo-Tiger™ 875 disk ripper, designed for primary tillage.

With current Russian farming practices characterized by large agricultural holdings, powerful machines and high yields, it’s important to note that modern farming practices can sometimes have some unwanted side effects if the right equipment and agronomic knowledge are not employed.

Increased compaction caused by heavy machinery and trailed implements degrades soil porousness and aeration, creates compaction layers and affects water infiltration, which can ultimately lead to poor root growth and yield loss. Heavy loads on machine axles, strong wheel slip and multiple passes over the field affect soil structure by reducing moisture penetration and preventing plant roots from reaching deeper water reserves.

However, with modern technology such as the Case IH Ecolo-Tiger 875 disk ripper, agricultural activity can actually improve soil structure and tilth.

The first demo show took place in the fields of Agrosplav LLC in the Crimean region of Kuban. Coupled with a Case IH Steiger® 450 tractor, the Ecolo-Tiger 875 disk ripper, with a working width of 4.3 meters, demonstrated its high performance and impressed the attendees.

“A powerful, modern machine,” said Petr Ulanovskiy, agronomist at Agrosplav.

“Its disks cut and mix soil down to 15 centimeters, its shanks loosen it down to 40 centimeters, and its crumbler breaks clods and levels soil,” he said after the measurements were taken. “The machine provides excellent tilth and seedbed conditioning.”

Agrosplav decided to invest in a Case IH Ecolo-Tiger 875 disk ripper following the demonstration.

More than 40 years of conservative tillage and mulch-till leadership stands behind the Case IH Ecolo-Tiger 875 with its outstanding deep tillage results. The Ecolo-Tiger 875 restores the physical fertility of soils, because it sizes and mixes crop residue for maximum nutrient release. It re-establishes pore space, improves soil drainage and increases water holding capacity. And it creates level soil conditions to provide a high-yield environment for plants.

The Ecolo-Tiger 875 is famous for its durability in tough conditions thanks to the powerful X-disk frame. Soil and crop residue are cut and mixed by the first rank of disks, followed by the rear rank to leave a uniform mixture of soil and residue. 610mm diameter Earth Metal® blades individually mounted on 381mm centers are set at a 15 degree angle, allowing for more soil turning and machine stability.

Built for reliability and durability, the Ecolo-Tiger 875 is effective even on wet soil and in other difficult field conditions, for example, when reclaiming fallow lands.

Each tillage shank of the disk ripper comes with a safety shear bolt and a spring reset mechanism rated for about 1400kg. Rows of shanks with a 610mm spacing between points, as well as high underframe clearance eliminate plugging even in tough conditions. High-strength patented 180mm wide Tiger Points cut under compacted subsoil down to 25-50mm to lift, twist and roll soil for improved drainage and water-holding capacity.

The unique double-edge Tiger-Paw crumbler crushes clods and levels the surface. L-shaped bars on the crumbler prevent plugging in wet conditions, reducing the risk of downtime. The crumbler can be managed and positioned hydraulically from the cab. Three positions are available: spring downforce applied, float (moist/wet conditions) and raised.

These design features make the Case IH Ecolo-Tiger 875 disk ripper the best in its class, and the demo tour will continue to assess the performance of this machine in Russian conditions. The last tests will take place at the farms in Nizhny Novgorod until August 31.

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