With the help of Case Construction Equipment, American communities are giving voice to concerns about local infrastructure, raising funds and securing improvement projects. Read all about it in the latest installment from CNHIndustrial.com’s Top Stories: cnhindustrial.com/dire_states
America’s infrastructure has been in the global spotlight as of recent, but the particular issue of aging local infrastructure is hardly a new problem. President Elect Trump has promised some USD $500bn to rebuild America’s ailing, aging infrastructure. But according to the American Society of Civil Engineers, it needs USD $3.6tn by 2020.
Journalist Sophy Buckley examines the issue at hand in her piece “Many hands make light work“, the latest Top Stories installment on CNHIndustrial.com. The story looks at the need to invest in local state infrastructure and what CNH Industrial’s global construction equipment brand CASE is doing to help through its sponsored Dire States advocacy program. Now in its fourth year, Dire States sees CASE’s North American team work to help communities understand the issues and support the right solutions.
Read the full story on CNHIndustrial.com: cnhindustrial.com/dire_states
London, November 30, 2016