Take a look at the winning industrial design ideas from the bright young talents of tomorrow in the latest Behind Wheel webisode from CNH Industrial. Watch online: cnhindustrial.com/behindthewheel
From a rescue hovercraft to a vehicle built to battle both wet and dry seasons, the students from the Royal College of Art’s (RCA) vehicle and service design programs put their best foot forward when answering the competition call from CNH Industrial.
The latest CNH Industrial Behind the Wheel webisode brings viewers the results of a joint competition organized by the Company and the RCA, the world’s foremost art and design postgraduate university. The aim of the competition was to create a concept that would succeed in low capital, low income and low skills environments through ease of low cost manufacturing, maintenance and sustainable local use.
Hear from the students themselves as they explain their winning projects and how they were challenged to develop innovative industrial products and services to match local needs and existing infrastructure in developing nations.
Watch the webisode at: cnhindustrial.com/behindthewheel
CNH Industrial has longstanding relationships with academic design institutes including the RCA, Domus Academy and the Nantes School of Design to promote collaboration between the designers of today and foster those of the future.
London, October 18, 2017